
Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Optimize website for alexa ranking

can we believe in alexa rank and stats ? what is a good ranking on Alexa ? can it be trusted ? today one of my friend asked what is considered as good alexa rank ? though question was easy the answer to it was quite a tricky, for people who don't know about alexa, alexa is a powerful tool used to rank web traffic, lower the rank higher the traffic of any website or blogs, though some people say site within 500k does well and others say 100k or less is great, i think it depends on the persons view on how big the website is and the context he is in, for example say if he is a web admin of some big website he may consider the alexa stats in few 100's where as a small and passionate bloggers like us something in 100k's is really a success.

Though most of the people takes alexa as a metric to refer any website popularity or traffic most of the web admins say alexa is not at all accurate, and the reason to it is alexa calculate traffic based on the website visited by the users who are using alexa toolbar and anything out of it will not be calculated and also change in small number of visitors form alexa tool bar users will greatly change alexa ratings.

I am Alexa stats user from almost 2 years and i regularly monitor traffic and cross check with other statistics tools such as site meter, Google analytic and others and according to me yes alexa results are not accurate and cannot be judged the website based on its rankings unless and until it is a high traffic websites whose rank falls in thousands not more than that.

recently i came across a website according to its author web traffic to her site is as below

Page Rank – 3
Daily Page Views – 400+
Monthly Page Views – 15,000 +

but amazingly she has the alexa for her site is 31k see above stats

my website has(

pagerank -2
Daily page Views - 2000+
Monthly Page Views - 70,000+

but still my Alexa rank is toggling between 250k to 350k

Q. So bottom line how to optimize website for alexa ranking?

Ans. Just install alexa toolbar in few machines and keep visiting your website automatically your alexa rank increases.

Though its my personal experience if any webmaster or other person reading this post can feel free to comment here and give your valuable inputs


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