
Friday, December 2, 2011

feedburner shows 0 subscribers count bug or penalty?

Today morning i woke up to see that my website / blog feed subscribers had gone from 600+ to mere 0 in just a night i was very much concerned that 2 years (though my blog is 4 years old i added feed burner 2 years back) of building user base just banished in one night. i logged into my feedburner account but i can see all the subscribers active but unfortunately the count on the widget on my site still shows zero even after cleaning the browser cache and loading on to different browser and system see below pic

but if i try to add new email id / subscriber it was still taking in and feeds are still updating with latest content at this point i came to know that its some temporary glitch in the system and when googled it was no surprise that many people had faced same situation in the past.

Still there is no any information in their official blog what concerns me is i have quite a good number of regular feed readers around 300+ according to stats hoping to send a email to them and lets see what happens, just temporarily removed the display of feed count from the widget will be putting it back when the feed count starts showing correctly.if you are a blogger and have faced the same situation do share with us here.

update 04/12/2011: Finally issue got fixed now i can see the subscriber count as usual.


emilayusof said...

I have the same problem. Previously it was 5000+ but then it soared down to 900+, now it's 0. Not sure what to do.

Anonymous said...

I also hope and believe it's a temporary glitch and perhaps only the counter is wrong and the readers are unaffected. On my it went from 12,000 to zero.

Rob Mann said...

Yes, I went down to 0 from 88 in one day. I can add new subscribers (tested it myself) but am curious to see if my new post gets sent out...They usually deliver by 5 a.m. the day after posting.

Sana Tariq said...

same issue, i though there was problem with my blog, but when i loot at others blog all are having 0 :D i think feedburner is doing some updates

Zahid said...

same with me. I hope they will fix it soon. I have over 26000 subscribers.

Peter Jones said...

Up to the summer I had up to 482 readers that was the highest, it was climbing slowly. Then it went to 130s and now yesterday it's '0'. I post quite regularly. Thinking of deleting feedburner completely but what else to use? I know I have a steady daily stream of visitors through clustermaps, and can't see why subscribers would be lost like this.

sandro said...

It's a bug. If you log into feedburner ->

1) select feed
2) Publicize
3) Email Subscriptions
4) scroll down, and click View Subscriber Details

All your email subscribers will be listed.

So it's a temporary bug that is affecting stats only.

The Boss said...

i think is a problem from translation from old system to new system of Feedburner...

Esther said...

Aha! I am having the same problem. Hopefully it gets fixed!!

Unknown said...

me too, 300 to 60 to 0 over 4 days.
these are people subscribed to the feed in a readers, as shown in the chicklet above, don't think these are the people who are subscribed by email, as there has only ever been handful of those on feedburner.

when I log into feedburner, the graph of subcribers agrees with the chicklet - doesn't seem to be a display bug to me....looks real enough.


Anonymous said...

Me too.. I had about 128,000 subscribers for one my website and went to zero in the past 2 days. This is not first time this happens. I'm member of feedburner in 5 years now.

Don't worry it's just a temporary bug. :-)

Sarangan said...

Me too.. I had about 128,000 subscribers for one my website and went to zero in the past 2 days. This is not first time this happens. I'm member of feedburner in 5 years now.

Don't worry it's just a temporary bug. :-)

Jeremy Myers said...

I think it's broken for everybody. The new version of Feedburner (option is in the upper right hand corner) still has all the stats, but not all the options. I hope they get it fixed!

Barbara said...

Thanks for posting this! Good to know it is a universal issue and not just me.

Kath TheFabZilla said...

Great to know, kind of worried too

Bluemontoya said...

Yeah don't worry about it, my site is effected too.

Nico said...

For me three weeks now at zero and still happening. Anyone have a link to contact Google to ask WTF is up?

qubodup said...
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qubodup said...

Just noticed (2012-09-24) this "bug" on and . Let's hope it'll be fixed soon.

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