
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Will Nuclear Radiation from Japan reach India and other Asian or rest of world ?

every one know recent massive tsunami and earthquake that shook japan and also one or more nuclear reactor in japan is on the verge of the meltdown though japan is trying to prevent it what happens if it is not possible and radiation leaks into atmosphere and reach other nations?

today morning i got a forward email from the friend which says japan govt already confirmed the radiation leak which bbc reported see the email content below

"BBC flash news: Japan government confirms radiation leak at fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24hours, close doors n windows, swab neck skin with beta-dine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precautions, radiation may hit Philippines starting 4pm (Pinas time) today!"

already scientists had alerted that if a meltdown occurs the radiation can spread across pacific ocean and and some parts of asia what ever it is government should stop relying on nuclear energy and start adopting natural and renewable energy


Anonymous said...

Itscome the time for India also to take right decision about nuclear plant installations.A Developed country like Japan can over the crisis.
But what about India?

Anonymous said...

at least in Japan officials are bothered about bringing down radiation levels despite risk to their own in India officials and so called "leaders" will be the first to pack their bags and jet set off to the farthest possible place from the leak without even informing about the crises - the followed and popular work ethic in India...N deal spells N disaster for India just waiting to happen...only and only because of indifferent and negligent attitude that is imbibed in us as the one and only moral value..."log marte hai toh marne long as im alive AND swimming in riches"...pathetic

Anonymous said...

lets stop acting against the nature and follow the traditional approch and lets now close down the nuclear power project plans and look for green energy only to save the globe . but country like india concentrate only on looting the public's money and not carred about the world .

Anonymous said...

That message was a fake, according to BBC.

Copy and paste this URL on your browser (internet exlorer, mozilla, whatever) and read what it says:-

I would advise you to copy a few words from messages like that and google (search) for them online to confirm if they are authentic.

Anonymous said...

dont say bad abt our India . As India govt is also thinking abt the growth and development as now we afraid to think of our life as we completly depends on the electronic objects but if God have thought something else what could a man do . but Japan tragedy warned all the nations for their security measures of Nuclear power

Anonymous said...

the news about radiation rain and all are still rumors. its a bit illogical because india and japan is so far are saying that the radiation will leak through thailand, malaysia, sumatera and the indian ocean.

check it out:

Anonymous said...

only way can reach india is through food, humans, airplanes.. etc. not through natural channels (rain, wind, earth..etc.)

RAM said...

Well, I disagree that all politicians will run away.I have personally seen the ministers of AIADMK on the spots when Tsunami devastated Tamilnadu.I am sure that both Indian officials and public will cooperate in tackling any disaster. we only wish that we do not face disasters.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am in Auckland, I have been reaching the web for information regarding radiation contamination reaching other countries, and found this site. Using logic alone you can bet on radiation reaching USA and Canada via jet stream. The argument seems to be that the Chernobyl accident released all the radiation in one go, where as Japan are reporting slow release, but its compounding total is reaching similar levels and if it can reach USA in 38 hours each day continuously it must surly reach other areas. Has anyone found increased measurements of radiation from other countries?
here is a map of potential radiation spread.

Anonymous said...

The yoga and pranayam will give us correct protection from radiation. This will be the only solution if radiation reaches here

Anonymous said...

bom bhole...

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