
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Android killing iphone and windows mobile ?

Will Android take over Windows phone 7 and apple iPhone? you heard it right,recently i started feeling what happened in PC world three decades ago the same is happening in mobile world at present, 80's was the decade when Microsoft snatched majority of the desktop OS share from the other players in the market, now the google is following in the footsteps of MS but in a good and open source way... will Android Platform will be a Defacto for future of mobile phone operating systems ? yes says many mobile gurus and it is also reflected in the increased sales of android mobile phones in past few quarters.

What weird is i know quite a good number of people who use both android and iPhone in parallel and each and every one says that android is becoming more user friendly and better compared to iPhone with every new release of android os versions, it was a time when iPhone users and media was boasting that it is not possible for android market place to surpass iPhone app store, because app store was a major plus point for iPhone but the current trends proved it wrong android market place is flooding with apps, now the difference between apple iPhone and google's android is bleak.

Now coming to windows mobile though microsoft had spent a considerable amount of hardwork and efforts to bring it out its already too late and people are addicted to the Android OS and whats more due to higher joining fees and other catches there are very few people to write apps for windows 7 mobile phones, you cannot even see more than few hundreds or few thousand HQ apps and windows phone 7 is a sinking titanic.

So what are the reasons making android dominant OS in mobile world?

1. Open Source: Openness is the key this is allowing more and more hardware device manufacturers to incorporate android in their upcoming mobile phones and software companies and individual enthusiasts developing awesome mobile applications, you know that apple controls app store and will not allow you to enter app store to submit apps unless and until they accept you, in contrast to android market any tom dick can write apps and submit it for free or certain price.

2. Cost: This is important factor when people buy a smartphone why people go for iPhone which cost 400$+ and Windows mobile 300$+ when you get mobile phone with same features and quality with less price tag? now a days device manufacturers are coming with android phones which costs less than 200$ that too without any strings attached.

3. Innovation: Since the Android is not a proprietary software and same piece of OS is used on multi manufacturer devices most of great minds are working on it and are coming up with a innovative things to enrich it with more and more features which were once unheard of in mid range mobile phones making it a truly open platform.

4. Google: Other reason why Android Wins is google, google have lots of money and great minds under its hood, with great minds comes great ideas to innovate, this will keep android always super charged continuously evolving you can see how google android has evolved from ancient cup cake to modern honey comb, for any platform to survive it needs consistent R&D backed with a great company like google.

5. Stubbornness: Though it was a time when stubbornness won, it does not apply to mobile platform, Microsoft was stubborn enough to win the desktop OS space by charging heavy price for the OS which was equivalent to hardware but times has changed and if it was google in 80's i think android would have ruled even Desktop platform. Even apple is loosing its market share because of its stubborn strategies such as tight monopoly over app stores, Carrier tie-up, features control etc. Similarly Microsoft too loosing its share because of hefty Licensing prices of the OS, closed source policy(API) and etc.

After saying all this one questions that remain in my mind is will android will become defacto for mobile OS? love to hear your thoughts


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