
Friday, October 29, 2010

Need for G G G's in todays Mobility

It was early 2003 when i first heard about this 3G technology, i thought sheesh! whats this 3ird generation phones has to offer that present 2econd generation mobi's do not have? i think the type of devices available at that time made me think that way!

Now its 7 years later with all the high tech features and gadgets from iPad, smart mobile, to smart dashboards in car which are SIM and wifi enabled and with several personal incidents and experience i started feeling overwhelming need of 3G's in my Mobile Phone!

below are few 3G encounters i had shortly and other few points which tells what 3G life is to me:

Video telephony as imagined in 1910

Skydrive to Laptop 3G way....
Recently during friends reunion in our school grounds one of my friend said he has old scanned school pics to share with us in his sky drive and said its about 50mb he just connected his laptop with his 3G mobile and started downloading, though i expected it to take 30-40 mins it just took 12odd mins to download 78MB of data wow! that was awesome for a mobile phone, that's when i came to know power of 3G network!

Star trek technology of 80's is today's reality
It was my friend who just married few months ago when i visited his home for some reason i found that his wife was on business trip to mumbai for a week, when i teased him how do you manage without your wife, he stylishly flipped his cell phone dialed his wife and had a video chat with her, both had 3G phones and were on 3G network and he was using free trial offer from his carrier... man i say you have to really experience 3G video calls its amazing, now Distances are just screen away with 3G Mobiles...

Buffer less streaming!
two of my geek friends always quarrel over the opinion, this happened 2 months ago when one upgraded his carrier to the 3G enabled and other remained as he did not wanted to change number, one of them said that his video streaming capability has improved with the new 3G network and videos stopped buffering instead played right away, but other disagreed and argued that its not the carrier its the device capability and after a while they both agreed to swap SIM and see what happens, results were clear the 3G network performed very well even in the mid level device but where as 2G failed even in the higher end device so it is clear that speed does matter.
Glimpse of Modern day Video telephony

So what would be the future of this emerging technology and what would be possible applications that i always dream't of ?

the answer would be infinite, no one thought cell phone would replace wrist watches and television would dump radios all what we can do is just wait and see the 3G game ;) but the game as already started..

1. Office on the go!
There are so many desktop applications that is available for computers but not ported to Mobile environment because of lack of bandwidth, Now with 3G there can open a whole lot of mobile apps where a person can use his office computer remotely(remote login) via his cell-phone and update the power point on the go and transfer it to his office laptop before even reaching office with just one click...

Because mobile office suite is present on all the latest mobiles devices with the combination of 3G our phone can become a virtual office, many times i remember certain points for my PPT outside the office, it would be great if i could access it with my mobile edit it and save on my office system if this is possible this could be a turning point in Mobile-office-collaboration i think with 3G its highly plausible.

Sending Email with Large attachments is no more a dream! every one who uses corporate emails on the mobile phones know how hard is it to send a mail with large attachments say 10mb so business people always use personal computers for this type of scenarios, because a network disconnection in between the attachment process would fail and make the whole process to start once again with 3G which is as good as broadband data rates large attachments is no more a problematic issue so its time for business class people to dump their pc.

whats more? with 3G data rates a day might come Goto-office will be ported to mobile phones so that all the video conferences might take place just on our Mobile Screen and right at our Finger tips, i always dream't of controlling my office computer through my mobile and attend all Go-to-Meeting where ever i am even through my closet ;)

Got0-Meeting like application mobile

2. News Coverage
It is said that with the improved camera capabilities in the mobile devices people are already using 3G technology for Amateur news reporting and ordinary phone users to contribute sensational and important videos to TV and online, this would help me in sharpening my blogging skills while collaborating with media.

3. Entertainment, VOD and Personal streaming and Podcast
Now the bandwidth is extreme, potential of using mobile like a computer is a reality now and with the flash support in majority of the smart-phones, watching youtube videos, video on demand(pay per view) of movies is that easy...

Did you miss you favorite reality show don't worry online tv on 3G network are glitch less and Are you on a trip to Agra and wanted to show tajmahal to your parents don't worry just live stream(video call) to your parents even friends.

And with the free pod-casting software now available on the shelf, pod-casting videos to colleagues, business clients and friends is just as easy as streaming youtube videos, i always wanted to stream interesting events to my friends and family may be this will be reality someday.

4. Controlling Home equipments and even your car through 3G
Its not a dream its reality already Schneider launched a 3G smart home control system which can greatly improve lifestyle and work practice by having a complete control over your home any where any time, are you on the vacation? don't worry you can easily switch on lights at evening 7.00 and switch it of at 11.00 so that everyone thinks somebody is home and theft may reduce...

did you forget to lock your home just check and do it via your cellphone whats more watch live stream of your surveillance camera of your home from kitchen to your bedroom remotely even from other part of the world and many more because many times our family is on the vacation i always fear about my home security i think this would be handy for me in near future.

Android based applications for car powered by android Operating system in dashboard has many interfaces to start, lock, raise windows and even immobilize the car remotely just with a single click and even change the cruise control all with the power of 3G. i think one day we could hope this technology will be common to common people like us.

5. Concept of V(video)logging or live blogging
Days may come where blogging would be obsolete people may think it will be too effective to convey the information in form of video rather than typing, say women with cookery blog can convey more easily and effectively her new recipe to the world, think about a geek, he can show how to assemble a new computer or fix the computer using his 3G phone to his blog readers(viewers) ;) and many more all this will come true if he has a good mobile device backed with powerful 3G network. whats more you can just update your blog from your mobile phone both video, text and photos of any live events making your blog readers get the instant benefit of latest and interesting news..... watch out i will shortly upgrade my blogging to vlogging when i go 3G...

6. Power of Interactiveness
It was the time when mobile world was static just like the beginning of world wide web now with the advent of 3G which broke the barrier of bandwidth limitation, now gaming companies can develop rich interactive games which might change how we play games on our mobile.

Similarly Chat applications can be created in such a way to share files, videos and music. Days may be near chat room might be a common place on mobile phones where people from all parts of the world come socialize and video chat with other people on other side of the world just like yahoo chat rooms.

similarly voip based applications such as skype, sipp, iPgonegnome etc can make international voice over ip calls a dream come true, though it hinders the revenue of telecom companies still its possibility with introduction of 3G.

And location based services might even give the glimpse of video on how the interior of near by restaurant looks instead of just showing the address and much more this is one of the important feature i was looking from many days.

7. V(visual)ocial networking
Isn't that thrilling you can actually talk to your friends face to face every morning instead of just writing some crap on their walls? i bet a day may come the existing social networking to become obsolete and all are connected with some kind of VisualBook application that might set a standard on how social networking should be this might be really easy with the advent of high speed 3G network, i want social networking to be more personal and touching like say hello to a friend on his screen through a video scrap ain't it will be awesome?

something like this

8. Mobile E-commerce and widgets with 3G
Can't we do e-commerce such as banking, online ticket booking and other transaction on mobile with 2G? of course! we can do but risk of transaction failure in the middle due lost connection and other kind of failure rate were high so people always choose to use Personal computers and laptops more for this purpose, now with 3G where connection is as good as broadband risk of transaction failure is very low and potential of mobile e-commerce is growing so business class people may stop using their net books and lappies one day... i actually refrained from mobile banking because of this, i expect 3G will answer this.

Widgets are heart of modern mobiles almost all carriers offer their own widgets and there are even third parties widgets available out there both paid and free... widgets such as FlashNews Feed, Sports watch, Email Reminders, Stock Market updater, Live tv, Weather buddy are more common widgets on today's mobile which constantly update itself parallel'y to keep in sync with latest updates so with 3G they not only updates fast but shows latest information at any given moment of time.

9. Will 3G be a giant leap in our day to day domestic activities?
This is the area where mobile is yet not fully explored not only in our subcontinent but also rest of the world!

Concept of virtual doctors is not new but its only limited to few areas and locations, aint it will be too good to have a Video call to our doctor and sort out our illness? though its difficult to diagnose major health issues! it will be a good idea to consult our doctor for minor health issues such as Sinus, sprains, Stomach upset, allergies etc etc so he could prescribe medicine through email because many new phones are equipped with pulse monitor and temperature gauge which also sends some information about our system and pay his consultation fees online? instead of taking appointments and waiting in a long queue at his office? i always wished i had a doctor consultation just thru my mobile.

Can't we take a restaurant taking orders a step a head by directly interacting with Chef while he is making ordered dishes, by asking him to put the right amount of chillies , oil or even the amount of lemon squeeze? and even alter the dish according to our needs? while seeing live how the dishes are prepared? though this something more i am asking but i always wanted this interaction with chefs..

Ain't it will be nice to order a bouquet and ask him to design it our way while he is stuffing the flowers and asking him prepare the bouquet to our taste so that we can add a personal touch while giving it to our loved ones all from our home! instead of going there wasting time? Though there are many such things to add to the list, i will write a separate post on this matter watch out.

10. Security 3G vs 2G
I like to use mobile for variety of purpose and most important is transcations from Transfering funds using mobile banking, pay my shopping cart during online shopping and alter my DNS of my website from the mobile but i refrained to use this at present because the level of security that 2G has to offer..

2G uses A5/1 Stream cipher where as 3G use better KASUM Block crypto though it is said that there are few weakness in the latter too, but it is better than security protocols offered by 2G networks.

11. Video Dating
It is said that the trend of video dating has already began people are already checking out there potential dates using there 3G phones and interactive dating service before actually meeting them so guys why wait dump your 2G phones and start purchasing new 3G enabled phones... i am single hope i will find my date with video dating ;)

p.s: this is a post for the 3G life blogger contest, powered by NTT DOCOMO.....

I already have Personal SIM from bsnl planning to own another separate SIM for my Professional life and that would definitely be TATA DOCOMO its not because i am in the contest i already planned one before contest itself as few of my friends suggested it because of awesome tariff plans and better service and let see how 3G works i will write a detailed review on it...

So guys the potential of 3G what you are seeing now is just a tip of iceberg 3G may change the how we use mobile phone in future in fact it may change even how the mobile phone looks itself... so my last question to you guys... are you 3G?


sabhyashi said...

picture of video telephony imagined earlier is really nice thanks for sharing :)

Adam said...

I am using 3G with my Verizon moto, yeah and there is no turning back, video calling is a major activity in my everyday life and as far as dataplan is considered mine is unlimited :) and you covered everything well and nice read!

Mohan said...

More intervention of technology in day to day life is indeed a way of lifestyle nowadays. I never thought about so many things that you have mentioned here!

Manjunath said...

Welcome... :)

3g is the future, but in india its a bit late...

The intervention has both bad and good effects, indeed we have to move with technology..

Ashok Marathe said...

Personal streaming and pod casting? that's something new :)

Arpana said...

It helps greatly to break monotony of those- as video-chatting who don't have access to tech knowledge.

pooja said...

Nice post kano... i never imagined that there can be so many possibilites with 3G :)

Lover of Nature said...

Nice post, even being in communication field i find some new things....more informative.

Manjunath said...

Yeah that will be a reality.

Yes video-confrencing was something which elites and techsavy person used before now its accessable to everyone


@Loveof nature
Glad it was informative :D

ashu bopanna said...

he he! nicely written, i never imagined so many possibilities through mobile phone! thanks for sharing :)

Manjunath said...

These are the possibilities not through ordinary phones, only 3G and higher generation phones ;)

Jundi said...

Interacting with chef :) funny but can add a personal touch to your food! innovative :)

Jiezl Palermo said...

Nice roundup. u made me feel ahh! for a moment on the points that i never even guessed.

Nithya Ravikumar said...

Well! Well! your article covered everything i wanted to do on my mobile phone, we both think in same frequency after all we live in corporate world always looking for a alternate to computer and with high-speed connectivity.. cheers!

Manjunath said...



you said it right we professionals always look small devices alternative to computer :D

Unknown said...

Here in texas we few friends are using it report local events to the new channel such as fox and cnn and its really effective.

kunal verma said...

Now i am on 3G the attachment is way better compared to my previous 2G network but i am facing a problem i am not able to attach more than 10Mb as an attachment :( any idea? recently when i tried to attach 13.7 MB 3GP video to my friend it gave me an error any idea?

Balachander said...

nice article man you have though really whats professional and common guys need.

It might be the limitation posed by either by your mail provider or email software you are using, call customer service of your telecom.

Manjunath said...

Its nice to hear from somebody using it

@balachander and kunal
Thanks, yes balachander was right contact your carrier customer service.

Prince said...

Well, looking into the features offered by 3G we should be creative in building the feature technlogies which should significantly impact the people

Nandhini said...

Good a lot of information! Best wishes!

Manjunath said...

yes! we have to be creative in bringing innovative applications and think out of box.

Thanks for wishes :)

Venkat Raghavendra said...

Awesome list. not too routine and not too scifi, a perfect blend of what 3G and mobile phone can be combined to offer.

suri prasad said...

Switch on and off lights during vacation? thats innovative :D

Ankit Garg said...

Good read! a day may come 3G to be replaced by 4G and 4G by 5G so on.

Anon said...

Hey i am one of the Human Resource manager for accenture resource management team, i find your "office on the go!" section really necessary and very thoughtful, i am using LG OPTIMUS smart phone hope there are some application already which you have mentioned. good points keep it up.

Manjunath said...



yeah true that.

yeah that is one of my main requirement!

vijay sunarmurthy said...

very informative!

Bhupesh said...

I thought 3G was only for clarity and highspeed GPRS, i did not know there is so much of applications until i read your article! cool post buddy very useful.

gurcharan kaur said...

paji, good list book marked.

Manjunath said...

@vijay and bhupesh thanks...

@guru thanks for bookmarking :D

Narahari rao said...

Goto office on mobile! i never even imagined it good thought though!

pdkamath said...

Hi Manjunath, your post covered major aspects of 3G and it helps lay man like me who is only the end user of technological developments. All the best.

jabeer ahmed said...

While searching for 3G uses and applications on Google i landed up in your site, most of your points are really crucial for corporate and ordinary end users. many websites i browsed talked about just speed but you article addressed way many practical uses that are needed for today's corporate world. you have nicely covered all the aspects and you have a interesting blog too keep going.

steven raj said...

78MB took 12 mins on 3G? heard that in another blog it will take 20seconds for 700mb movie? and between all your points on 3G are logical and may be a must have feature some day.

Manjunath said...

ha ha ha ha not sure i also heard those claims :D but to best of my knowledge, it gives around 155kbs download speed on his mobile.. the reasons may be due to

1. His device capability
2. 3G network of the carrier
3. Capability of server at the other side.

but it is said that 3G networks are capable of network speed from 2Mbps to 22mpbs..

Unknown said...

Post is nicely organized covering all the aspects of 3G which i never imagined.. i always thought 3G is something for voice clarity and seamless coverage... now the amount of information you shared here gave me a overall knowledge on what 3G is and how can it be used in daily use efficiently and i am a non technical person but i understood something new here thanks for sharing keep posts like this rolling :)

Neeraj Guptha Sathnur said...

gosh face book rap is very good, i liked the concept very much it would be rich user experince if face book comes with something like this so that we can live feed our day to day activities live right through our phone to facebook. nice thought.

Manjunath said...


thats what i was talking about video social networking in my post this will be reality in near future!

Ben-Gurion said...

using 3G from 2007 its been a best experience most of you pointed out will be really good if it can be brought to the phone and nice thought. i am a traveler by profession and sending photos back to press was a tedious job before now i am using 3G attaching large emails is a piece of cake.

pandyan said...

I am new to technology stuff, i am a commerce guy and 3G was something strange to me your post gave me a broad idea what is 3G and how can it be used in day to day life so effectively thanks for sharing such a wealth of information.

Manjunath said...


nice to hear that you got some inputs from this post :)

Anonymous said...

Do you think 3G services in india is as good as developed countries? off course we could get a awesome speed compared to present GPRS which is just 5 to 30kbps with 3G in india we can get some where at 100 to 250kbps thats more than enough for india at present, but in US and other developed countries its a different scenario where you can get 3G upto 2mbps, you have thought in realistic way on how 3G can be used and its capability nice post will be coming back for more

r.mohammed said...

Sir, this is really a educative post. i learnt so many facts about the 3G and its applications which i never imagined off. i recently bought a android phone samsung galaxy 3 but its 3G phone without front camera i am very much depressed that this phone does not have the basic functionality to use which 3G has to offer :( i should have read this post few days back so that i could have made the right choice, any way already bought i will try to gift this phone to my brother and buy another new phone :-) nice post and best wishes.

Akaldeep said...

good points you have made.

there is a alternate for this, just use main camera while using 3G but there is a downside you cannot view person talking from other side and samsung galaxy s android phone truly does not serve main purpose of 3G calling :(

Malvika said...

Wow, I have to read it again, too much to take in.
Very very interesting in content and crisp in presentation!

Manjunath said...

@mohammed, akldeep and Malvika
Thanks guys... i am happy you guys liked it :D

Esha Kaur said...

well a nice post that tells with 3G and smart-phone there is no need of computer, if all your ideas is practical on mobile phone someday i will be the first person to dump my computer :) good article with lots of information.

Unknown said...

You described all the requirements very smartly what today's corporate and normal people want! nice read.

rounik said...

This article gives a insight look on how 3G can be used and its potential, very well written and crisp thanks for the info.

Manjunath said...

@esha, vinod, ronik

Adarsh said...

quite a fair amount of unimaginable application.

Hillarium said...

That was quite an extensively researched expert post. And thanks for visitting my blog. That was really encouraging of you.

Manjunath said...

yes potential of 3G and subsequent G's is infinite


akhila menon said...

this is one of the best read entry till now, covered everything neat and crisp, video dating was something new to me, i shortly saw a video on my facebook wall which was shot in 70's where micheal jackson and arnold participated in a show called video dating but it was on TV, your heading should have been "3G dating" :)

ravi yadav said...

Nice information! good luck for the contest :D

Manjunat said...


Contest is already over and this entry did not won the prize :(

Anonymous said...

I'm a current user of Vodafone 3G in Mumbai.
At first, 3G was amazing on my SGS!
But, then i noticed that the network kept dropping and calls weren't getting through. Turns out it was a network issue and Vodafone were 'sorting the issue'.
After 2 months, I had the same problem. I knew it wasn't a handset issue since my phone was working fine with other SIM cards which had 3G enabled on them!
My tryst with 3G was extremely bad. Maybe i'll try again now! Maybe their services have improved! God knows!

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shailesh said...

Good points,,,i save this page as for future reading bcoz i don't want to lose it...

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