
Friday, September 10, 2010

When did i join facebook?

How do I find my join date? lately i was trying to check when i joined the facebook or facebook joining date though there was no obvious reason for the date but simply wanted to know date when i signed up for the facebook but after looking into all the option i did not find any option in facebook that tells us joining date and one question came to my mind is there any app or way to know it?

but one thing i learn't after a lot of R&D is there is no way to find out when we joined the facebook but there is some tricks that might help you in finding the date one such tip is whenever you joined the facebook, facebook sends a verification link to validate your email id so if you are a person who don't delete such mails just search through your email archives you might find the email and exact joining date...

but if unfortunately if you have deleted the mails of FB notifications then there is other trick which fetches not exact date but approximate date just see you wall by clicking older older-posts until the end of the the updates the oldest date might give the approximate date when did you joined the FB with average few days difference..

though these are the above technic by which you can get your association time with facebook if you have any better trick share with us.


Shri Ram Ayyangar said...

I have some other questions too on Facebook.
I post on 'News feed' on my Facebook as well as general face book but many of my friends/relatives say that it does not appear on their face book. In fact my posting on general 'Newsfeed' disappear after sometime but remains on my facebook!
Can you or any body else throw light on this aspect too.

Manjunath said...

Thats expected behaviour.... FB will randomly select few updates/feed from others and display on wall, if there are 100 friends it is unplausable to show all the friends update at the same time...

Marlon said...

As of today I have posted 1000 links. Yup, and I've probably updated status at least 300 times by a guess, and that's just assuming that I've only updated status by a third as much as I post links...

(edit: find out later that I am wrong. It's actually just over 600 status updates throughout all my FB history)

So, going by just THOSE logistics (1300 posts) I would assume that it would take me many many MANY hours to click 'older posts' until I got back to the beginning! I don't think that this is the best advice!

There was also once I tried to do it and eventually it wouldn't let me go back further than 2 weeks!

However, I believe that that was just temporary, as demonstrated when I tried again, more recently and was looking for a specific event in April, which was 3 months previous. I managed to go back that far.

It took a long time to go back just that far! Also, my computer ain't that great, so when I do go back a long way my computer starts eating HEAPS of RAM memory, and it gets slower and slower to use!

Now here's what's REALLY intense... I JUST found an application for Facebook called "Status Statistics", which lets me dial back a search to find out how many status updates within any month of any year back to 2004.

I searched for status updates for every month of every year, all the way from 2004 until I hit gold in September of 2008. In that month I updated my status only ONCE, and here's what it said:

"freakin' out after diggin' up this old facebook profile."

Admittedly this application does not tell me the birth date of my facebook profile, but what it DOES do is find my earliest STORED status update.

29/09/2008 I have decided I shall call my Facebook Birthday from now on.

What IS intriguing, however, is that my supposed 'first' status update claims in it's own right that it's an OLD Facebook profile!

But, yeah, I do remember that it was like that for me in the beginning, I didn't really 'get it', didn't know how awesome it was going to be, or was at the time, and didn't have ANY friends, real friends, who had discovered it yet, so it felt like not much use, foreign, and I had an 'oh no not ANOTHER one' attitude.

As I remember it, I signed up in the first place because of Lauren Oke, whom suggested it to me, and whom I shall tag in this note (I've never tagged ANYbody in a note I think!).

Lauren and I were friends on myspace and chatted online long before Facebook came along and shat the new paradigm in social networking, and I remember her saying, "Aren't you ON Facebook yet?" like I was insane for not being on it yet!

Nowadays I have that same attitude to all FB virgins! I put it down to Lauren being from the UK, an epicenter of human population over-load on this 'ere Eart', and here in 'lil ol' eNZed we tend to catch trends like this late some times.

Marlon said...

add me please Manjunath

Hamid said...

There is one more trick. You can check the date on which you uploaded your first picture ( assuming that you have uploaded a picture once you joined facebook). Mine was 2008 May.

Denise R. said...

it appears as though for old Facebook joiners (I joined in 04 when it had college exclusivity) there is nothing. My profile picture from back then disappeared with the introduction of 'photo albums', which did not exist back on the original Facebook. Neither did status updates. Oh well. I will just be bothered forever with never knowing my Facebook's birthday.

Arthur Hofman-Klünder said...

GO HERE! (official app)

You're welcome. :)

Aman said... gave incorrect result for me . it says i joined in year 2006 and in 2006 i didn't even know what FACEBOOK is XDXDXDXD

Don't know about u people but it gave me totally wrong results

asbalyan said...

Another way to find the nearby date...
Check the profile of your first added friend/s, and click on "See Friendship"... That provides the friendship date to that person...
Unless you were friendless for a long time, you can get an idea...

Anonymous said... was incorrect for me as well- it said 2006 even though I joined in 2004.

lafiya said...

@asbalyan ur idea is good ... best of all these listed ... thanks ...

iamnotablogger said...

This app actually seems accurate. I knew it was Autumn Quarter of my Sophomore year so I think this one's legit.

Caitlin said...

If like me you just spent an hour trying to figure out the best way to sort through 49,000 old gmails, I can help by telling you the subject of the first email you will have received from facebook is "facebook registration confirmation".

caartic said...

@caitlin: your answer is the best! :)

Anonymous said...

@caitilin : or you could hav checked out the aforementioned app

Anonymous said...

I've looked and there seems to be no sure fire way - I have tried the various suggestions here. I joined facebook sometime in the fall of 2004, and back then you could only register by using a college/university email address. I no longer have access to my old university's email system where the confirmation email would be.

I've downloaded my facebook archive, and the oldest wall post is from May 2006. I'm quite sure I had wall posts from before that, so that must be the oldest, before which facebook hasn't bothered to archive.

My earliest profile picture is dated December 2006. Again, I know that I had earlier profile pictures than that, however originally facebook's profile picture system was much less robust: there was no such thing as tagged photos or albums, you only got to pick one profile picture and that was it, if you changed pictures your old picture disappeared. So it does not surprise me that they don't have a record of those really old profile pictures.

Finally, I did search through my messages, and the oldest message I can find is something I sent in December 2004. So at least there is some proof that I have been on facebook that long, but the entire context of the message is lost (I believe I was responding to something someone had posted in an old facebook group). From this it seems that facebook archives messages going further back than wall posts, for what it's worth.

You would think that the join date is something that would be directly associated with your account information, and that facebook would be able to show you easily. But given how much facebook has changed over the years - especially pre-2006 - it may not be as simple as that.

Unknown said... worked for me.

Unknown said...

now with timeline u get the exact date and time you joined the FB... switch to timeline app.

wajid ali said...

me sare did ke judge aur hmare dada ko dil se manta hu kyo ki jo bhi did ke dancer h unhe apne maa baap ki kami mahsoos nhi hone dete h .a love did .alove master.

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