
Monday, August 2, 2010

Was HIV AIDS man made biological weapon to control minimize world population ?

I recently came across interesting information about "Global 2000" a covert mission of U.S military to de-populate increasing worlds population and to eradicate few billion people especially in countries like Africa, China, India and other countries, they gave them a free vaccination against smallpox, where the population was exploding rapidly but it is said that 60% of them inoculated were suffering from aids...

though there is various controversies of the origins of the aid from bizzard urban legend of a man having sex with monkey which cannot be even agreed by kids :) and promiscuous flight attendant who was spreading it, to a suspected vaccine program of US military, but not of them have a convincing evidence but any one with the minimum IQ and intution can figure it out that it is not a natural disease but a artificially engineered for some covert purpose some how escaped the lab.

Many people think the HIV AIDS epidemic started during early 80's but the first recorded case of HIV infection can be traced back to way beyond 80's below are some of the earliest know infections

--> A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
-->A lymph node sample taken in 1960 from an adult female, also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
-->HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.
-->HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.

below are some of the interesting link to the resources and video

the above findings says the HIV was introduced into humans around late 40's or early 50's what ever it is there is a lot of chaos on origins and time line, though many times few scientists and universities around the world comes with a staggering news about possible cure of this epidemic but some how they go suppressed or silent, whether origins of AID's was through injections, war, failed experiment, travel, natural or genetic engineering we are quite sure its gonna stay still long killing people around the globe... so guys do you think its a weapon of mass-depopulation or natural disease? do penn down your comments.


Stela James said...

Thanks for sharing this effective content.

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scuincla said...

this was in the late 40's and early 50's? i can't believe that people such as myself are barely figuring this stuff out! that's insane! O.O

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