
Monday, May 3, 2010

Frog sealed inside the rocks

how can frog live or born inside a thick sealed rock also called Entombed Animals ? one thing that comes to my mind when i see frogs is a old film amara silpi jakkana which i saw when i was a kid in which Jakanachari a temple architect and sculpture bets to get his hands cut off when dankanachari his son claims flaw in the statue and bets his life, but jakanachari cuts his hands after his son finds the flaw in the statue a shallow part which contained water, live frog and sand all this happens unaware of their relationship though the story had a happy ending that he got back the hand after completing the temple statue the temple is none other than Channakeshava Temple at Belur and the statue got the name kappe Channigaraya where as kappe = frog though there is a wide controversy about this story whether its real or just a ancient legend i was amazed to when i came across a forum post about some westerners claiming that he had come across a live frog in midst of hard solid rock.

And after simple googling i was really amazed to know seeing that this weird anomaly reported all over the world by miners, quarry workers, rock cutters etc

it is said that during work on the Liverpool docks in 1829,while makiing underwater footing when a granite was cut to make new steps a small toad was found inside the granite and it is said that toad died minutes after it was set free...

In 1761, Ambroise Pare, physician to Henry III of France, documented an account where when a quarrymen broke a large hard stone a huge toad was said to be liberated from the middle of the rock and when ambroise inquired the quarry man the laborer told that he had seen this kinda toads many times in between hardsolid rocks many times.

When a castle wall was being demolished in September 1770, a live toad was plucked from the solid plaster. That wall had stood undisturbed for more than 40 years

Some frogs have been found with the impression of their bodies so tightly jammed against the rock 'pocket' that even the skin's crackles can be seen imprinted on the sides of their frog-shaped hole --meaning the rock formed around them somehow.

though i found tons of these kinda stories on the net i really confused how could a frog develops inside a hard solid rock that is formed over thousands of years and how could these animals survive such a long time? though many claims that eggs or tadpoles to enter a cavity of rock and then form into frogs this theory is debunked by many and most of the cases showed no such signs of cavity or opening they were truly hard solid sealed rocks....

guys what do you think have you come across this kind of weird anomaly any time if so share your story here.


Renu said...

could say that this is what we call miracle of god.

flavin said...

wht crap god has nutn else 2 do thn put frogs in rocks.. nethng haa

flavin said...

Frogs v knw can hibernate ezy for a year without food. So if born as tadpoles with d rain they must be geting wedged into cracks tht take them into d core of d rocks whr maybe there is a small plc like a vaccum 4 thm to grow. And jes like a goldfish the size of d tank accrdng 2 tht thy grow its a natural amphiban adaptation. As 4 food rocks r vry good source of minerals n frogs cum out of hibenation during d rains. So maybe the same cracks tht got thm thr r nw getng thm sum nutrious rich food water source to. Its my theorey n food 4 thought.

Anonymous said...

We had a book I think it was a readers digest special edition encyclopedia of weird and strange thing. so I can't quote it exactly it said something about a pterodactyl being broken free from it spot inside solid rock some miners found it made a terrible screech moved a little bit then dead. I always thought that was bizaar. Never heard of other creaters in rocks thank u

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