
Thursday, April 29, 2010

How true is nadi astrology or is it fake and hoax ?

also called agastya muni shastra a unique astrology which requires finger print or thumb impression then the nadi reader searches a huge repository of leaves(ancient Indian palm leaves) based on the finger print because finger print is unique for each person and it is next to impossible to replicate, and for each thumb impression there are likely to be around 5 to 6 bundles and each bundle consist of 50 to 100 leaves and one particular leaf might be that of the individual and it is a laborious task in finding it and the leaf is often searched by nadi reader reading the contents of the each leaf by asking it in the form of question until finding the 100% match it is said that a leaf contains the details of father name, mother name and many other information to know more about how the leaf is matched click here and It is said that nadi astrology is written by agastya sage 4000 years ago.

being skeptical and atheist i rarely believe in these kinda things but recently after hearing experience of nadi shastra from my cousins, relatives and many others curiosity forced me to give a try i took a appointment by nadi reader which was available only on(today) Thursday 10.30 am i reached exactly at the time, first they took my thumb impression of right hand (for ladies it is left hand) then the nadi reader went inside a room and bought the stack of ancient palm leaves then he started to read the palm leaves one by one telling about some information written in palm leaves about father name, mother name, job type etc until all the information matched and finally match was found in 10 or 11th leaf, now after finding the leaf they said it takes a full week to draft out entire horoscope based on the old palm leaves and given me a appointment for next Saturday so until then i am in the waiting mode.

though i was amazed to see that he was able to tell my mother name, father name and some of the other things just by single letter from me i am still in the confusion whether it is the trick of elaborate guess work what ever it is let me wait till the next week and hope my 50$ (2500 INR) consultation fees wont go waste.

and between if any one of you have experienced nadi astrology and know more about it do comment here and i am planning to come up with a new post about my nadi astrology experience after completion of my nadi astrology session next week end.


Shrutzz said...

never knew this....

Prateek said...

Keep us posted! :)

Anonymous said...

Many people say it is 90% trur

S.. Diva said...

so what was your next visit's outcome?

Unknown said...

guys this is 110% truth, believe me what so ever they told that happens, i am experiencing it ... really this is something unbelievable. what that told i have been through and really astonished..

anupama said...

even i believe in this bcoz few things happening with me what they told and am experiencing it....
am surprised abt how they tell parents name by thumb marks ???
really amazing..........

Ravindra said...

I had visited Naadi Astrologer Agathiyar Durai Subburathinam at Sri Kousiha Agathiya, Mahasiva Vaakiya Naadi Jothida Nilayam, West Tambaram, Chennai in December, 2008. They found my palm leaf after asking around 10-15 questions. The past and the present were 100% accurate with they telling me the names and professions of my siblings, wife etc. They even made my birth chart and it matched with the actual one I have. I was surprised. But the predictions for the future were all wrong i.e. 95% wrong.
They asked me to visit 6 temples in the south and I spent 2 days visiting them and doing the pariharams. They took around Rs.9000/- from me to do a puja for me which they said would continue for a year and that they would send me a yantra by post on completion of the puja. They also took Rs. 3000/- plus puja materials for Guru Deeksha.
Now it is more than 19 months and I have not received any yantra inspite of making many phone calls. They have a strategy. They send you some bhubhuti/ash and vermillion/tika 3 times during the puja year and write that the puja is continuing so that you rest assured throughout the year that your puja is being done and that you will get your yantra after the year ends. But all goes in vain. They spend Rs. 100 out of the Rs. 9000/- in sending you the tika.
I have their recorded cassette and hand written notebook with me and everything is predicted wrongly. My naadi reader was Raja Sakthivelu and inspite of my calls, he has not bothered to send my yantra. I am sure there has been no puja performed and they fleece people in the name of Lord Shiva. Now I have stopped caling them becos there is no point wasting more money on the calls. I even wasted a couple of thousands more in the taxi they arranged for me to take me around the temples for two days.
I have the details of the payment I made to them for the said puja.
I was made to understand that this was the most genuine naadi
centre in the world. How can one dupe people of their hard earned money in the name of God when they should know clearly that all this fraud would ultimately harm them? How long can you deceive God? I have left it now on God to give them their deserved punishment.
One thing I have noted that this naadi shashtra is akin to the Bhrigu Samhita which can also accurately tell your past and present but not the future. I had visited Bhrigu Sadan long time back but they did not fleece me. The Panditji was a genuine person and advised me pujas to be done at home by any knowledgeable acharya I could find in my city.
This Naadi thing, based on my and my friend’s experience is the biggest fraud perpetrated in the name of Lord Shiva by these people. I hope He shoves his Trident up theirs soon.
Ravindra Joshi

Unknown said...


Priyank said...


can anyone of you guide me how to get a genuine nadi reader in Hyderabad, Bangalore or Delhi?

Unknown said...

any one in hyd, or blr plz let us knw

h e m a n t h said...


This was a very interesting post! Please read my mind-boggling Naadi experience and an authenticity analysis! This was truly the creepiest and the most enchanting event of my life!

And please leave your thoughts!

Best regards,

Prem said...

How it works….. just read on

Demi-gods or lower gods also finds a place in creation. Some of the services of the lower gods are easily purchased for a “joint-venture” or so to be called. The percentage of profit is agreed from the temple they purchase and has to be given to the temple failing which the results could be disastrous. It is not possible to cheat the demi-gods as the demigods are after all divine incarnations.

When the victim approaches the astrologer for help, the astrologer asks various queries - as mentioned above. The answers of these queries are actually questions posed to demigod to get the correct identity of the person. Once it is got, all other past details are easily available by the demigod. These details are only heard by the astrologer. This may sound unscientific but really is not.

Demigods are unable to accurately predict the future and hence the predictions are mostly not correct. Demigods are also used by astrologers, sooth-sayers, magicians, fraud god-men who materialise processed goods from scratch, which really is only shifting i.e, dematerializing, shifting and rematerializing.

How I came to know about it?

I have a friend who is an ardent Shiva devotee and made a small portion of his house as Shiva temple. He has been a Shiva Devotee and has been continuing for the past 25 yrs or so. But their hereditary god is a demigod. It seems the hereditary god also wanted to be revered and so he wanted a separate temple for it. HE WAS ALSO GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE of asking questions (or thinking and posing questions) to demigod and he would get the answer ABOUT PAST AND INCIDENTS.

But my friend never used this privilege for monetary gains. For those who come with problem, he just queries it and suggests solutions for their well being. He has helped me many of times – a couple of them to say - when I misplaced very important file in my office and also when my colleague created havoc for creating bad name for me in office.

When I wanted to know about the practice of Nadi Astrology I asked for his help and he let me know the actual functioning of it by querying it with demi-god.

Sage Agasthya no doubt was a great sage. But it is ridiculous to say that he wrote the names and fate of persons before 1200 yrs as if everything is destined and future generations does not have free will at all.

I just wanted to share the information. It is the wish of the readers to believe or not. If at all you believe, please share the information and prevent the cheats from taking over.

Unknown said...

ha ha ,,its true :),,,,my cousin s serching HIs nadi past 15years itself,,,, who have to see and want to know abt there past and future life for tat peoples ly will get nadi . . . . . (simple who getting nadi's god will blessing them and giving chanCe to CORRECT our mistakes and wat s life , wat s god...wat s power of god tamil girl, im not good in english ,,,,i'm sorry im nt good in english .....itzzzzzz true i promised on my mother

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

My name is jaanu...
Even i saw naadi astrology for me and they said few bad things which is gonna happen in my life and that keeps running in my mind again and again... i got engaged now and i cant enjoy my engaged life because of few predictions that he told me.

Anonymous said...

nadis in delhi are fake . they will tell u about ur name and everything correctly only after asking u about it.and will tell u to do pujas and other stuffs and will demand from u lots of money..never go to them...

Gayathri said...

Hi Jaanu I am writing this specially to you. Please go through Ravindra Joshi and Prem comments. Any person in India can tell you about your present and past with their will power or they (saint)will go to some mountain and practice meditation and they will predict on the future but they can never tell you about your exact future. If that would have happened everyone would have gone to that person and he would have been rich than Bill gates. My friend meditates everyday so he can sense evil spirits and he can read anyone's mind. This is the power of concentration.For some people it may (nadi)click but for most it may not. I have consulted all astrologers when I was in problem even nadi shastra, for me everything was wrong.After my age 24 they said my journey will be at north west. I tried twice for USA visa but refused even for tourist visa. Not only that they said my problem will end in 2009 till now its not ended. If they say you - you will have problems in the future, be busy in your work. The only thing which will help you is hard work don't be free so that bad thoughts will enter your mind. Keep busy in yourself. Did you read the book Secret if not read it - law of attraction works. (To be practical ) if you can't meditate, spend time by being busy. You can do what ever you enjoy and love,mingle with your friends. This is what I can guide you

Anonymous said...

nadis r wholely n solely tru....i kno d delhi one...if any body wants d address contact me thru this page

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My request to anonymous dated June 16, 2011 8:46 Am .... Please mention nadi reader in delhi, address and contact details.

Would be highly obliged to you if genuine reader details is provided. Your information is greatly appreciated. SIR !

Anonymous said...

I would like to share my experiences with a nadi prediction centre. I recently went to a nadi prediction centre near Mumbai to get my readings done. I was asked to give mt right hand thumb impression DOB. In another 20 min, I was called because my leaf bundle had been found. I was asked to answer few questions, to which I was asked to answer in yes or no. My right leaf was found very soon after searching 4 leafs. I was then narrated happenings about my past life, which was 100% correct. Then the nadi reader started telling me about my present conditions, which was 100% correct. These also had some deep secrets I could not reveal even to my most trusted friend. One of the present predictions made was about my father's health. I was told that my father did have diabetes and that I should get it checked. To that I answered That he has had some visits to his family doctor and he was reported to be perfectly fine. Also my father was every bit healthy and did not show slightest symptoms of sugar. He is 70 and still leading an active life. But the nadi reader insisted that it was clearly indicated in leaf that my father has this sugar problem for sure. After returning home, I narrated this to my father and he replied skeptically that this was just bullshit. But I insisted to get his sugar levels checked. Next day he went to our family doctor to check for diabetes. The doctor told that it was not required as my father is healthy and does not have a family history of diabetes. But my father insisted upon having his sugar checked. So the lab test were conducted the next day and it clearly indicated that he had an established diabetes. The doctor too was surprised to find this. My father was even more surprised as he did not have even the slightest symptoms of diabetes. Thanks to the nadi reader. He helped my father prevent health hazards in the future that comes with having diabetes. We could start the medicine regime very soon.

Anonymous said...

Nadi in Bangalore is fake as well, i met a guy in Hanumanth Nagar named Muthusami and realised this.

He forces you to get reading done for parikaram, saying there is lot of bad things and collects huge sum of money as all mantra related parikarams are to be done through him.

Anonymous said...

Nadi astrology is fake and defames Tamil language and Siddhars.

Documented works of Siddhars do not have any mention of these Nadi scriptures. So these are made later on by group of frauds who leveraged the mystic of siddhars.

The Nadi readers could read mind, when you think answers to the questions for clue they pose; they deceptively capture your answers to retell them to you.

Scientifically they are not authentic.

1) Neither historians nor tamil scholars have vouched the authenticity of these palm leaves.

2) No stone inscriptions in Tamil Nadu temples talks about Nadi. With so much of stone inscription decoded in Tamil Nadu, the absence of any material on Nadi stands testimony to the fact that this practice is a fraud.

3) Read Nadi with two different astrologer and you will find each of them have a different story on your past life and future. Even the finger print that you gave them will be given different type.

4) Why will Nadi written several centuries back have details of your date of birth in English language? Why do these Nadi astrology frauds need to draw your astrology houses if their readings are based on divine work?


Anonymous said...

After reading all above comments, and seeing that even I was given accurate past details with asking a lot of questions...but nothing accurate about its been around 9 years since i got mine predicted....also went to a lot of temples in Chennai...wonder if Chennai is the only place to get rid of problems...he he...cleared its a FRAUD.....Coz it can't be that everyone gets same solutions....they are just messing up...and earning money thru FRAUD.....I was believing all this but clearly nothing has worked as they said...more over...this Chennai yatra seems to be given to everyone who goes for solutions...but while writing this...i am thinking..there were some points of future that were correct...was that by fluke as rest don't match up at all....hmmm.

Anonymous said...

one of my relatives had visited a nadi reader at Sri Kousiha Agathiya Mahasiva Vakkiya, Naadi Jothida Nilayam in Kolkata. He was charged 700/- and contrary to the above mentioned post he was given the result within an hour. Also browsing through the leaves the reader asked questions that seemed like a guesswork. But the leaf that was supposed to match gave exact names of relatives of the person and the birth date. Although he didn't details of his past life and not much of his present life. Since this was just a few days ago i don't know if his predictions would be true. I have a cassette in which he recorded all that he said and also a notebook in which he wrote down everything(in tamil). Please suggest if his suggestions for betterment should be followed or not.
Thank you for your post. It was indeed informative!

Anonymous said...

I've been to nadi center today only, and frm the very start had this feeling this can't be real. and finally spending 3-4 hours i can confirm that yes it's a fake thing for sure.
They follow a simple procedure of asking questions in the form of yes or no, but they ask you a lot of questions as yr first name starts with vowel, u'r birth date is after 20..and all short of questions, u were born in cold month. and in the process they are just collecting information about u and yr family, which is being very beautifully naratted to u as writings from one of the leaf. It's a total fake n waste..they crop only on what you say and den reiterate the same to you...and most interestingly they'll start with all the bad things as job-unsatisfaction, health issue, money problem, sibling problem if you say yes they'll mould there readings across the line at the end..and in order to gain interest they'll implant some doubts regarding yr health or mishaps in yr mind (which people find hard to take risk for) with the final leaf reading...
My advice go just to enjoy how they fool you :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just returned from a naadi centre in mumbai. After taking my finger print of my left thumb, the reader got a bundle of leaves and started shooting questions to me, to which i had to reply in yes or no. Most of he answers were no. So he said that this is not my leaf and he went inside a room to get another bundle after ten minutes. After asking me around ten more questions, he gave me my date of birth, my parents n husband 's name. Then he asked whetheri wanted to know in detail or in short. I said in detail(which meant i hd to pay rs.2000 instead of rs700). He said my shani has begun since last three months and that his was not a good tiime to get my readings done. So i have been asked to visit a devi temple on friday and return for the reading. Now this has already put me in tension, i am thinking of changing my decision to get it read in short. Oh...i forgot to mention that before leaving, theu asked me to pay an advance of 1000 rs.

Vic said...

Dear Friends,

After reading all the details and the comments of the people, I can suggest you something. Rather than wasting your time, energy, and money, do some constructive thing in your life. Join a gym or read a book or do some charities which will be more morally and spiritually beneficial to all of us. I am clinical psychologist and tell you from my experience that even in the age of dark energy and dark matter there are people on this planet who as parasite try to exploit other unaware beings and flourish.

Please don't be fooled by these frauds and cheaters and waste your money and precious time. Enjoy your life by doing some charities, exercising, eating healthy, doing adventurous sports, reading and education yourself. Please advise you peers and relatives about this so that these parasites do not flourish by exploiting innocent and unaware general public.



Anonymous said...

man its totally fake i had got it and because of some points mentioned in it i am not being able to enjoy my life and my goals of life dropped down i have lost a lot due to this , until i realized its fake and even if somewhere else if you are getting to know about your future please don't check it out life is very well with goals and surprises and if u fall behind such things ull have no goals surprises ull be a living dead man

Anonymous said...

utter foolishness....IF some one tells u ur future and past for money , Believe me they all should be fake.....

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

I visited a naadi astrologer in Mumbai few months back and i was told many things by them .I am very much nervous as i am not sure how to deal with it???He told me not to marry before certain age and not to leave this job. If he is fake than it will be bad decision to hold my life and follow his instruction.

I need some help. I have one solution which i feel is correct. I will visit other naadi astrologer and if both the information matches than he is correct otherwise he is fake as i feel one individual can not have different future. Should I go ahead and do it. Please guide.

Now i feel guilty that I went and visited to Naadi astrologer.

Please guide. Help me.

vaghela jitendra said...

hi friend actually i went to this nadia astrology center in baroda gujarat and they people said my future and now i m depress , i want goverment job, and they told me that u will not get job in your future so i m depress.......... plz guide me
is nadi joytishi is true ........i m very much disappointment........plz help me

vaghela jitendra said...

hi friend actually i went to this nadia astrology center in baroda gujarat and they people said my future and now i m depress , i want goverment job, and they told me that u will not get job in your future so i m depress.......... plz guide me
is nadi joytishi is true ........i m very much disappointment........plz help me

Anonymous said...

my name is jyoti
anyone can tell me address of trustable nadi astrologer in DELHI

Anonymous said...

hi frnds cn anybdy tel me d address of a nadi centre at kolkata whch is nt fake??

Anonymous said...

hey dis is Akash..have heard abt karnapishach sadhaks staying at kolkata who can say detaild future via a devi..this is true..any help?

Anonymous said...

hey i am ravi ... plz tell me the address of a naadi centre at Hyderabad which is not "fack".
plz plz plz.......

Anonymous said...

RECORD the conversation using any recorder (mobile phone) and you will know that they extract all information using the questions they ask. The only great thing about Nadi is the 'very intelligent way' to extract information.

Anonymous said...

They ask u many questions -We just have to reply in yes or No but I went on giving all details--Then he said some things about the future like I'll meet with a vehicle accident & some serious thing about my dear one-now I m worried & sit thinking about it 24 hrs----I cannot remove this out of my mind---I sincerely hope all this is a big fake.....

Anonymous said...

I had been to one of the Naadi Shastra Astrologer in Hyderabad, he charged 300 Rs. he said abt my past and Future. I had been ther in 2007 n now it is 2012, the future he predicted b/w 2007 - 2012 is happend exactly. i am still at a wonderstuk that the things which i felt not goin to happen in my life r happening as he said. he also told me to do some puja's , which r very simple costed me around 150 rs. i dont know abt future frm now happens same or not. but i started believing it.

Anonymous said...

Any genuine nadi shastra

Anonymous said...

its true as they told i get best job after i left the old job . they told in nov you get job i got gob in nov and joined same month. now let me wait and see if marriage predictions will come true or not

Anonymous said...

I was gone to Nadiastrology in 2008. His prediction for my future education was perfect but else failed. I asked him about this and he told me about pujas that I was supoosed to done.(I have not done anything)As I have not done these pujas (Karya siddhi) i am facing problems.If I did problems will solve automatically.Lets Hope

Anonymous said...

I went to Naadi at Bangalore in 2008. its come true to 1 of my friend's friend. I wonder hw they can tell parents name correctly? my siblings education were correct. all general predictions they made about my life seems to be correct as i myself know about my state, educational aspirations, careers, struggles etc. coming to wedding they did give some description, direction etc. what they dint tell me was what exactly i was studying at the time i went their. they told u have studied technical subject. it was a one of my combination in degree but my masters was in subject related to pyschology and was pursuing phD in value education at that time. they dint tell that :(. marriage will be late they said. but age of marriage was not told. They gave 4 moon signs and 4 lagnas and my guy would be anyone of these 4 they said. so y this 4 options?why dint they tell me accurately about his raashi and lagna, nature of job, subject of education? letter/initial of his name? They had asked if i was in love and whats the status? same thing they told, u loved someone deeply and it failed. Actually I had had 2 love stories :P. wat evr it is i still dnt knw whether the future prediction comes true or not.It may or it may not. Am also waiting.having miserable time.

But I say wat happens will happen. even if u get reading who can prevent fate. Better to face life as it comes by building courage in us to accept life.

vijaya said...

To tell whether nadi is true or not you should select a nadi predictor who is genuine.Once you select a true person,you will know that it is 100 percent real.Ofcourse the future predictions may not be 100 percent true.Becoz you would not have done the pariharam properly.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, These guys are fooling people. If every leaf corresponds to an individual, then how many leafs needs to be there.... And there are lot of branches like in bangalore, delhi, kolkata, across the india. Will this branch people take photocopies of the leaf ah????? from the source of this???

Anonymous said...

come on guys... as the earlier comments says its kinda mind reading... Then this guys can predict the names, past, and the present... No one can predict the future as it is in your hands how to shape it...

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of visiting a Naadi reader - Not to know about the future or past but about past-life. Now I am convinced of Mr. Prem's explanation. That they are from demi-gods (spirit of the dead people too). Sure they can tell all about the past without tricking you. Future is not in their domain. Future lies only in the hands of God and ourselves.

Shubhra said...

any genuine nadi jyotish in hyderabad?

Rock said...

For me lot of things happened as per sayings

Natasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natasha said...

I went to a Naadi astrologer yesterday and I am not sure whether to believe him or not..At times he seemed to have some true insight into my life and at other times he seemed to be faking it..While he was questioning me to find my leaf, I stumbled a few times, especially when he was inquiring about the first, second letters of my parent's names (The reason being that Hindi is not my first language so I had to think really hard when asked how many letters are in the hindi spelling of their names and thus made lots of errors)..I also stumbled on some facts in my life like my relationship status etc..So when the time came for him to 'Reveal' my past and present status to me, I was a bit taken aback when he repeated some of the facts that I had messed up while answering. As for the name of my dad he got it completely wrong and when I pointed it out to him, he said that the names had the same meaning, which is totally BS..but then again there were moments of clarity in which he told me that there would be a guy who was trying to misuse me just for sex by lying about being in love with me and wanting to marry me which is currently going on(Though every woman experiences that kind of guy atleast once in a lifetime, right?)..and then he predicted a beautiful future for me where I would marry a nice guy though a little late in life and have 2 lovely kids and live happily till the end of my life but of course with the normal ups and downs that we would have to deal with (Surprise, Surprise)..Anyway He charged us Rs 5500 and said that he would be willing to remedy my present negative phase with Pujas for Rs 2000 more. I have been comparing prices and am already almost convinced that I have been fleeced. So what do you guys think? Btw this astrologer resides in Old Raginder Nagar, Delhi (Sri Agastrhiyar Maha Tulliya Nadi Jothida Nilayam).Has anyone been to him?? Any reviews, did his predictions come true??

Arun said...

I went to the Naadi astrologer yesterday in Chennai i feel the good experience to know about my Overall life in Part1 Kaandam, they charged me to read the part1 alone for 500, out of 16 part i taken only 1 part, they said that few things have done wrongly in previous birth so taken the another life, so to know about your further part 13 and 14 has to be taken to cure this future life to enjoy, they have said you had a good future but few trouble you will feel in the rest of life. To avoid that few things to be done with the reference of 13 and 14 part Kaandam.

I believe myself arungre at yahoo com

Unknown said...

Hi everyone
After read all these,, i have come to known one ting strongly, as per swamy vivekanandas word ALL THE POWER WITHIN YOU so v can omit our lazy and bad believe mean v ll overcome al d obstacles n our life.

Unknown said...

I also went to see my past and future , Nadi astrologer got all my information by asking inteligent question, where i had to tell all my correct status. He recorded what i was telling him without my due attention, Then he took out certain leaves and from 10 to 15 he told me then, he got correct one. But till the time he got all my information and reason for meeting him. So He picked up phone, that time he was listening our conversation on the phone, and doing drama had a phone call. Then he made phone off. Then he was telling me now he will record what was he about to say for my life details. He made phone recorder on and said all info i gave him during our conversation.

This nadi strologers are all cheaters do not believe them. They take huge fees from you, take your sensitive info during convesation and then convey us as astrology prdiction.

They all fraud, they are cheater number one in the name of Nadi astrology

radheya said...

hi ppl Naadi astrology centre in goa raided...astrologers arrested for fraud...
do not believe in astrologers believe in GOd and most important beleive in ur own self..remember God helps those who help theselves

radheya said...

hey ppl dont believe in astrology just believe in ur self and of course GOD

Unknown said...

Hi all,
sampath here i recently had a thrilling experience that was with nadi astrology in ramammurthy nagar,Bangalore(at last will tell u complete address)The first thing i want to share with you all is getting your leaf is in your fate and i will tell you nadi astrology is perfect divine science through which only blessed souls will get the nadi predictions.Many people doesnt even know the name of this astrology,even i was also the one before 1 and half years.But see how destiny plays is that i myself started knowing more about nadi astrology (by seeing videos in internet)and developed interest in this and one day i got my leaf and got predictions of all the chapters and i was happy.please guys dont loose faith in GOD(I will say GOD exists)i am telling you with lot of personal experience.Okay guys if anybody wants to go for nadi astrology i will give you the address and contact number of genuine and best nadi center in bengaluru.Here it is

Address: No 16,3rd main,3rd cross,hoysala nagar,ramamurthy nagar,Bengaluru
Land mark: Behind FMC

Contact number:9448293251

You can tell my name as refrence.Thank you all.

Unknown said...

Hi all,sampath here i had been to nadi astrology center in ramamurthy nagar bangalore( at last i will give complete address)Behind FMC building.First time i visited in June 2012,i got my leaf and got 4 chapters predictions.Now recently once again i had been to get rest of the chapters predictions.My predictions are going likewise,hope future predictions come true.One more thing guys this nadi center is the BEST and GENUINE nadi center.people in this center are very respected and godly people,you should be lucky to visit this center and cost is also very reasonable.Here is the complete address and contact number

Address: No 16,3rd main,3rd cross,hoysala nagar,Behind FMC building,ramamurthy nagar,bangalore

contact number: 9448293251

You can tell my name as referred person.
Thank you all.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am looking for nadi astrologer in Navi Mumbai prefereably. Plz let me know if anyone knows any genuine. Or Even mumbai will work.
Thanks in advance

Santosh said...

This is A good astro center and go through each line of website.he is a legend Armugams family of vaitheeswaran koil. and have branches in hyderabad and delhi.he was awarded by politiccians and cine professionals

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