
Sunday, April 18, 2010

cotton candy machines on indian streets (Jayanagar Bangalore): childhood memories

recently when i was googling for something i accidentally came across a pic which for a moment made me nostalgic of my early childhood days in 1980's.... In those days summer holidays was something we did not want to miss and we were on the street playing all day long enjoying all the eatable that passed by the road from ice cream and candies to fresh spun cotton candies and totapuri(Magnifera indica a unripe mango) eaten with salt and red chilli powder and bombai mitai a sticky bubble gum like candy which was wrapped to hand as watch. ring, etc etc etc,.....

though until then i forgot about the cotton candy which i had eaten a decade back but last week when i tried to spot all the cotton candy vendors near jayanagar (no concept of mall those days) and other places which used to be i was surprised to see they are gone in midst of urbanization :( , cotton candy machines which was common in Bangalore streets and shopping malls is now only at few places below is the pic of the cotton candy vendor looked when we were young!

did you got the doubt how they spun the cotton candy on that portable stall without any motor or current in old days? well i remember he was using his legs to spin the cotton candy machine to rotate the drum in high speed just like manual sewing machine...

but after googling about the cotton candy i was surprised to know that my assumption of cotton candy as modern day invention was wrong and has the history which dates back to 1400's where European chefs were spinning extravagant dessert out of sugars though those days the cotton candy strands were much thicker like a blown glass because the granulated sugar was invented after the world war2 which is the major secret ingredient behind the cotton candy what ever it is the above pic took me to my childhood days and thought of sharing with you guys,.... and between when did you last ate your cotton candy do comment if you are bangalorean the places where we can get this old delicacy


sameer singala said...

summers of 80's is something i cannot forget in my life....

baili said...

hi enjoyed your beautiful post,you got great writing style ,thanks for kind words on my blog god bless

Nalini Hebbar said...

way back in the 60's my father used to take us to exhibitions and there our treat, invariably, was cotton candy and chocobar. There was another thing traveling street vendors would bring...something elastic and edible that came in many colours...the man would make wrist watches out of it and place it on your wrist...when you got fed of it, you just eat it!...I had always wanted to try it but my mother never permitted me...fear of germs, I guess!

Manjunath said...

Yeah i forget to mention that tooo we used to call it in bangalore "bombai mitai" though i don't remember whether i tried that one!!! yeah the guy used to make watches, rings, birds, cycle flowers many arts from it thanks for mentioning it....

RamyaWrites said...

For a moment I was reminded of my hair, lol. Thats how my friends used to call me when I was small. very informative post.

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