
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

how to fix male pattern baldness ? and reasons for rapid hair loss

is there any way to restore or grow back lost hair ? this is the common question among people who has severe and progressive hair loss and hairloss problem is something which starts at the age 16 and progress till the age 30+ to show its final cut, if you are between this age group and don't have any hair loss or other hair receding problem then you are on the safer side.

the reason to write this post i have a friend whose hair problem started when we were at high school and his hair started receding now he almost lost 60% of his hair at younger age being with him made me to do some R&D on this subject even i too faced the hair fall at one point of time in life when i was in college and i combated it at the earliest and was able to slow it down though, because i came to know what was the reason for my hair fall but occasional shedding still concerns me some times and makes me watch my hairline every day.

below are the picture of norwood mpattern baldness scale

some of the reasons that causes hair loss:

Androgenetic alopecia Hair Loss: age, heriditary and hormones
aging is the normal and common factor where ones hair automatically exposes to imbalance of testosterone level in blood stream which is one of the reason of the baldness, hereditary is one important factor of baldness people who have inherited genes for baldness from either parents are more likely to get thinning of hair in adult life, hormonal imbalance of hyperthyroid or under thyroid glands are few reasons for Androgenetic Hair Loss

Dandruff, Hygeine and fungal infections:
believe me after hereditary the second most common reason for hair loss is dandruff or fungal infection, as i said earlier at the beginning my hairfall was due to dandruff which did not produced any flaking except itching luckily i was able to combat it with the anti dandruff shampoo called nizral which worked for me, i have seen many people who lost clumps of hair at assorted location due to fungal infections at the end second most common factor for baldness is dandruff and scalp infection so scalp hygiene is very important.

Insufficient nutritions and poor blood flow:
There is number of case studies out there which tells insufficient nutrition and poor blood flow through scalp also casues hair to shed though this can be corrected by taking proper nutrition and hair to is said to regrow after certain period of time.
Blockage in hair follicle due to dihydrotestosterone:
DHT harmone causes a thin wax coat around the roots of the hair which causes hair follicle to shrink over time and resulting in reduced hari growth and also blockage means no room for new hair to grow thus resulting in your hair foccile to go dormant.

Hairfall due to stress, diabetes and other diseases:

hair loss due to stress is of two types called telogen effluvium and alopecia areata

telogen effluvium: every hair follicle has three growth phase ANAGEN(Growing phase), CATAGEN(Transistional Phase) and TELOGEN(resting phase) Effluvium means outflow so telogen effluvium means the condition where you have a sudden outflow of TELOGEN hairs as your hair follicle becomes weak hairs get shredded and there will be new hair follicle within 6 months ready to grow new hair.

alopecia areata: is said to be dude to imbalance in body's immune system that leads the immune system to attack certain kind of tissue some times hair follicles that disrupts normal hair formation in both the above cases hair is said to be regrown back within 6-9 months

there are some other reasons why hair loss happens due to illness, diabetes, diseases, medicines and some therapies taken to for the diseases in these cases there are chances of hair growing back but in some cases hair may not grow back.

there are tons of other reasons why hair loss happens but above are few common reasons for hair loss and according most doctors and hair experts hair loss is a piece of cake to prevent if it is not hereditary and if we are able to identify and find the underlying causes at right time

Some of the products and treatment that can boost hair growth:

Though hair follicles once dormant it is difficult to reactivate,and there are so many products out there which boast that there products can indeed fix the baldness at least to some extent but most of the time these products are surrounded with critics and controversies below are some few of the products and treatment to mention:

Hair transplant: this is the most widely accepted and proven hair restoration treatment in the medical world a surgical technique that involves moving skin containing hair follicles from one part of the body (the donor site) to bald or balding parts (the recipient site). It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness and this was first done in 1930's in japan.

Hair oils and shampoos: you would have definitely seen hair regrowth shampoo or oil on the TV,you can find dozen of such products on different channel each boasting that some kind of secret formula would definitely will help them grow their back again but there are many speculation and controversies on this kind of products regarding its claim if anyone reading this post has really grown back their with any such product do leave a comment.

Massagers and Laser combs: It is said that massagers and laser comb stimulate the healthy hair growth and helps in arresting the pattern baldness and prevents thinning of remaining hairs in both men and women

there are many people who say the natural home remedies work such as using natural herbs, flowers other plants such as alovera to treat their hair loss but bottom line is any disease, hairloss and other bodily problem can be rectified with proper diet and ones understanding of their body and how things works but to my experience most of the time hair loss is due to hereditary, dandruff or fungal infection or due to medicines and therapies taken for other illness.


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