
Sunday, February 21, 2010

own business vs job which is best ?

or put it this way say white collar jobs vs blue collar jobs, it was 7 years back me and my cousin had a hardcore debate on which job is best to get settle in life back then i was in my 4th semester engineering he was still in pre college i was very much interested in family business construction he was very much interested to become computer profession i always used to argue that construction or any self entrepreneurship is the only way to be successful in life and to earn huge bucks but he always insisted on white collar job and opted to be a salaried professional and to work abroad and to earn more bucks and enjoy life, but we think one fate decides other as this old quote says "A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it" today i am salaried with fixed income stream where as he is into his own business(construction) with awesome variables earning 20x than me.

Some of the advantages of Self business over salaried professional

Salaried Professional: Fixed salary Linear growth with peanut raise every year
Business: Exponential growth 10x to 100x

Salaried Professional: Work for fixed time a day say 9:00 to 6:00
Business: Enjoy the luxury of flexibility

Salaried Professional: Bounded by frustrating rules.
Businesss: you are your own boss so no rules to break.

Salaried Professional: Thinking of retirement will not be less than atleast 60years
Business: Can think of getting retired at the age of 40 to 50 years

Salaried Professional: Answer each and every tom dick regarding the work
Business: no one to answer as you are your own boss.

though there are still loads of advantages of own business over salaried prof still business has few drawbacks without overcoming these you may fail very badly, as the business guy you should always be very active and work harder than any ordinary working class person, always be a step a head than your rivals, over come laziness etc etc.

at the end of the day a business is definitely better and offers more freedom in terms of improvement growth and to get Better social status though above are my experience please tell your views on what do you think


girish said...

as you said living in fixed income stream is very difficult but with risks comes good money, i am also planning for a project and eager to retire soon from job.

Renu said...

You have taken a topic close to my heart...and I am also going to write a post on it.

I think job or bussiness .should be decided not by income but what you want to part shouldnt be the what you do best and money will follow you..thats my mantra in life and I taught my children also the same thing.

Manjunath said...

Good luck for your new project :)

Thanx for the input, yes money is the second thing but the comfort and flexibility we get in business is very much high compared to job, i have seen many salaried people including me always settling for things as we can't afford say a good car luxury sedan is something easy to buy but difficult to maintain for a salaried person.

Shilpa Garg said...

Not all businessmen get 10x or 100x growth. There are leaner times too and in some cases the business never takes off despite the best of all resources!

Solve Lab - Let's do something about it! said...

Two types of Tiger in the world.

Job: The tiger that lives in the Zoo, free of risks but lives his life according to the schedule fixed by somebody else. Sometimes more hungry but less food. Makes friendship with compermise. His live depends on the owner of Zoo.

Business: The tiger that lives in Jungle. Life is full of Risks but he is his own boss. He can choose how much food he want to live. After all he is the King of the Jungle.

Choice is yours, want to live in a Zoo or Jungle!

joki said...

networking is the combination of job and business...where very less investment is required,can retire within 5 years and after retirement royalty income increases year by year...and ofcrse life like a jungle tiger...king you know... :P

joki said...
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joki said...

to know more mail me on :


mahidhara said...

I like the comparison of the TWO TIGERS

Anonymous said...

Nice posts ....i liked the tiger story.much

AAKASH said...

im goin into dis dilemma again of wat 2 do or wat not to. though im 23 nd yet to start my mba cant say much. bt i believe every job or business has some pros & cons.we shud b driven by our inerslf nt by outer thngs. still i want 2 start sumthng of my own & wants to earn the name of "BUSINESSMAN"

Unknown said...

i agree with u...starts carrier with Job and closed life with Business because it will help your next generation

Pawan Upadhyay said...

I always preferred to do business, but my job income was sufficient to live a good life style till last year. Basically I am visionary person and my job doesnt allow to fulfill those vision hence I decided to do business rather than working for someone else vision.

Ofcourse doing a business has its own price including the initial risk for setting up but focus and patience will give the result.

Finally I will consider myself successful I can earn equal amount what I am earning through the job.Atleast I would be proud to say that I am my own BOSS no matter weather I earn in Million or just in thousands.

Best of luck for all the Aspiring Business Men & Women

~ Upadhyay Pawan

Anonymous said...

Most of the business are equivalent or worse then a job, I see shop owners open shops 9 in morning and close at 8 in night (and some close at 12) but I work 9 to 5 so I think I have more freedom here. Secondly business man puts far more effort then a salaried person. Though a shopkeeper feels that he is doing a business but in reality he is doing a job with more risk.
But again it entirely depends on what kind of business you are doing. Here I am talking about small business.

Anonymous said...

absolutely buddy.I have joined a very known PSU just last month and it is really disaster and very frustrating.i work whole day like donkey and get fucking 14000 are answerable to a shitman.i miss my freedom and am thinking to resign.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its true i have also worked for a company and it was also like working as a donkey whole day and getting 10000 a month.
Secondly running our own business gives us more freedom rather than doing a job and working under some restricted areas and regulations.But again it depends on our risk taking nature and interests.

Anonymous said...

hey,i was working with a company for only 6.5k as a CCE, i left the job and its being 7 month And now i am going to start my carrier can any one suggest me?
should i go with any job(as my father wants) or should i go for my own business? i am just 22 and have interest to start a DSA in insurance field.... i have also done a DIPLOMA in system admin... i am in a huge dilemma about WHAT TO DO?..Please anyone suggest me....

Anonymous said...

go for business

Anonymous said...

Follow ur heart . Do business . listen to urself.

Anonymous said...

Very Nice post., Manju. Good to see so many drop their opinions in a genuine way.

Have been in similar dilemma for almost a year. I started my career with self-employment ( not business) later on did job for couple of years coz it provides security. In course of 3 jobs over two years NEVER enjoyed as much as I did during self-employment. Satisfaction is simply uncomparable. Confidence was jolted big time when you feel you know you are better than this.

So I am getting into family business now ( construction). Thinking of making some money and doing my own thing later on (luxury industry).

All the best everyone. Hope you find your calling.

Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity.


Anonymous said...

Well i m MBA and start my own business but everyone pressuried me to do a job because they think in job life is secure but i no service class have to struggle for every thing when the nect salary cum we will buy . Could anyone suggest me which type of business should i start . u can call me 9410080759 it would be my pleasure

Anonymous said...

I am an MBA guy, i did a job around 2 months in an insurance company, there was a lot of pressure in this job on me in the office and even at the home to achieve the target given by the company. I always had to tell lie to me senior in the company. i was very upset by this job.
Now it has been more than 1 year i left doing the job only to start my own business be my own boss.
and very soon i am going to start my own business/\.....

Shoaib said...

Hi Friends.. i m into job for last 4 years...resigning and starting garments manufactuing plant in couple of month....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i read all comments its very boost my confident ,i am also very interested in buisness , still i am working on wipro franchise Renovision Automation Pvt ltd as Desktop support engineer, & my salary only 8k p/m ,i am doing job last 2year 3month finally i decide i have start my own buisness in ITcan u please send me suggest me its better or what me ? i open it Laxmi nagar computer market or nehru place that buisness anyone plz sugges it better for future ?

pakidil said...

Nowadays More Pakistani Looking forward for setting their own business . As either jobs is not available in pakistan or they are paying too low for engineers and others

Ajay said...

If you want to do something in life. And able to take more…. risk. Then defiantly go with your own business.

Shail kuriyal said...
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Shail kuriyal said...

I think risk is also in the jobs basicly if you are working with pvt. sector. so why do not we start our own business? because a maximum time of our life we give to a company if we give only of half time of it to our project then we can get more then our salary...
if we think big then we can do. but not for another person this earning for only for us.
I was a employee in top multinational company, I worked there last more then 3 year. in starting days of my job I was feeling very happy but I seemed 12500 Rupees is not enough to enjoy my life it's frustrating situation and secondly I was tied by company rules & timings. so friends I resigned from my job & started a small business & now really I am making good money through my business & also enjoying my life as I want..

Thanks @$

Pardeep Malik said...

According to me business is best.In business you can earn as much as you want,even in a day you can't expect how much you can earn,but in a job-(Just obey Your Boss)nothing else.

Ameet Tarbani said...

it entirely depends on u...if someone is financialy ofcourse wil prefer to do if sumone iz strong than it dpends on his mind...personaly i prefer business more.

kv said...

There is a strong saying "do what u believe in"
we can't strictly say which one is better as in job u get a fixed income with security....but in business u get freedom and motivation.....

I am a Graduate from iim-c and after working with a company for 1.7 years I want to start a new business. So I would suggest that start with job if u don't have a family business and then with couple of years switch.

Anonymous said...

i belong to marwari business family, my parents earned a lot as businessman/woman but now the situaton is different for us, because of contant increase in the input price and low profit margin coupled with delay in payment by the debtors, the business has become quite risky. I dont want to discourage u guys but if u want to enter in business learn patience, because in the beginning u will have to work like a donkey without any pay (if u start a new business). If u are the sole bread earner of the family then it becomes risky, now a days there are many good paying jobs in the market, what i can suggest you guys (to the complete new business man/woman) that be both at the beginning, once u think that u can have a stable income from business than leave a job. PS This is my opinion dont come crying to me if u follow this advice and be unsuccessful :)

chandu seth

mepavan said...

absolutely,buisness is better than job,network market is better buisness with short days many companies in this field as like ...........

----pavan kr.verma,allahabad

Anonymous said...

I am branch Manager in finacial sector from last 6 years as i am getting 30+ salary in a month but i have my family business also which my father is taking care.I am outside from my home last 3 years and missed my family so much.Business is not much gud but will go in good flow if any young blood promote the same but i am very confuse what to do as my salary is also satisfied and i am the only person who take care of my dad's business???As my age is 27 and i m on the door of marriage but i am confused about my responsibilites about JOB OR BUSINESS?

Anonymous said...

sir, i am also very confused. I am well qualified and have done mba and ll.b. and doing job but i am not satisfied from my current job and i have no money to run my own business. I am 35 year old. I am very confused either i start my business or do the job.

Anonymous said...

i liked d tiger in zoo and tiger in jungle..!! hell ya..!

Anonymous said...

In case of job,you are working hard to complete someone elses dreams. However,in case of business,you work for yourself. You are emotionally attached to your goals and this acts as a driving force for you to get off your butt and work hard.
I am 19 years old and I have my own business which gives a monthly turnover of about 30-40k.
My message to all those who are going for job..

Anonymous said...

Enterprenourand visinaries always rule. Work half the time on your own business rather than working lifetime for a job and earnings peanuts.

amar said...

i am in business since last 12 years, initial 6 years, i made fruitful profit, but last from 6 years, i am making loss due low quality products of my company. all the way, i depend on comp product, if i am continuing the business, i will have to make loss, i am working as job person and my boss mistakes are to be debt by me to customers of company.

Anonymous said...

iam working in small concern. I work from 10.30 to 7.30 i am getting 20000. Now i want to do business. Pls. suggest me shall i continue or quit. and do business

Vidyasagar said...

Good posting and even i like to do self Business than working like machine with lot of tensions/deadlines especially in S/W field. I am 10 years working in this Industry and looking for a new change. Really it is frustrating to work onsite especially going to office under minus temperatures.

But I agree work experience will definitely help to keep good Business because you will know how to deal your clients,colleagues etc.

So my best suggestion is do job for atleast few years and grab the knowledge and then jump into Business. So you will have satisfaction on both and justify yourself that you did both job and Business...

Think once again...A Job holder can run Business with his experience BUT a Business person cant jump into professional field with his experience !!

khemkag said...

I am 23 years old.And I am working ina an IT company,and it has been only 6 months for me working in this industry.My family background is that of business.From the day joined my job I am in a dilemma that should i do a job or do business with my brother or my father.I guess now I am able to decide that business is a better option than job any day.I am an ambitious person and wants to earn loads of money,which is never possible in a job.I hope GOD shows me the way for my future and takes me to where it is better for me.

Anonymous said...

Business makes sense(to most of us) only when it gives good return.We should also be prepared for the dull periods.And selection of business is crusial because a good start is half done.

trilokinath pandey said...

hey frnds ok one thing is clear that which is better business or job...... so i go with business

business = risk
risk = life
life is business
simple thing u r in job earn 50k ,80k 90k in month
but in business u can earn 50k ,80k 90k in a day depend how much u work so i think so i am in business from last 10 yr and i am very happy with that

ankush manchanda said...

i think business is best option for us...
but always remember one think before start any bussiness.we must survey the market of arey where you want to setup bussiness and scope of bussiness

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey friends, i have been struggling to get an answer to that question for last 4 years, within my heart and mind there have been million wars that whats better. I am working today in a bank but my father is in busines. being only son its my duty and responsibity to support him, but its also right that you should have a zeal to fo biz. i must tel you biz is tough. in job we take decision on the risk of our employer but in biz????
for sure your children wil get an option if u r in biz, he or she can join biz or opt for anothe carrier but in salary no option....its toughto start a biz witht an idea, and if u bel in ur idea just do it,,,and work worse than a dog......................SUCCESS on ur doorstep

Anonymous said...

pros:-options for ur son, may opt for biz or job,
it offers lots of opprtunity to diversify and expand no limit, your hard work is paid adequately unlike job, no one to answer, quality and quantity time for family, may face difficulty but family future is secured once done, more confident and better decision making skills,
cons:-finacil health, risk is urs, loss sustaing power,human and money both capital is invested competition break down, low margins may kill, bank loans, no one to guide, no colleague or boss to suport, no experience,
pros:-exposure to various industries, knowledge and confidence enhancement, self development, social and team work, earning with 0 money investment, comparitively less responsibilities, some time social respect is more,public recognition,
cons:-no security, limited earning limited expenses, no increase as increase in inflation, always work load and pressure, no time for family, limited leaves,

in my views if hav opportunity for biz and u r confident for tht... go for it......

Anonymous said...

every comment is amzing

Anonymous said...

I Am really confuse over this but after reading all this stuff just going to take a risk.......
starting my own business people say it's to early for me because of my age is 22.....going to listen all of you.....wish me luck....,

Anonymous said...

i came to this post while searching for the answer whetehr i should go ahead with family business or should try for better job.

Currently i am in small IT company earning only 12k a month, well i have worked on 10k also prevciously but i was fired(laid off) in my first job because of some performance issue.

My father has his own local small scale business of garments, which is he running all alone. The reveniew generated is very good. i mean much higher than my salary.

Recently he fell quite sick, and he is diabetic too. So my mother told me to stop tryig for this job search and join my father for this business of garments. It's a well established business with 30 to 35 clients acroos three to four cities and villages.

Well this will involve travelling for four days but not in mumbai local train ,because i am currently traveling four hours everyday for this job of 12k.

So i need a good opinion whether i should go ahead with my father, because i am also worried about his health as doctors have said if he is going to work more, he might fall more ill.

so guys please give me a serious suggetion.

Age 24, from mumbai.

contact number:9324329177.

Shivsaker said...

at completing my btech i started my business taking loan from bank at the starting time people laughed at me now i have my Honda city and going to open an another business also don't afraid people see your dream


go for business.............

AMIT said...

i like all user comment and all is true saying

Anonymous said...

Your blog is well written. I believe that there will be a lot of people like. I will share appreciation to others. Thank you!

Job Satisfaction Survey

Atul said...

In job , the day you join company , you start earning . In Business , it may take Month or even Years to settle the business and recover all the investment you did .Any type of loss in business can directly affect the owner but in job the employee has nothing to worry about it.

Unknown said...

dear friends,
I feel that everybody is talking their past experience or what they have observed in life.Most of us while discussing this topic forget that either in business or in job the most important thing is performance.If you are a govt employee there may be exclusion. So i believe that if you get govt job and your performance is excellent then its good to go for own business.

Shezi said...

Here is my Philosphy
First Get a job
then get to Self Employment
save some money(Capital)
then do business and once you are successful in business
then do Investing.
The example above by somene about the shop is the self employment.
See the Defination :
1.Job - You work for an employer. You earn income by selling your limited time. You’re overtaxed by the government. You may however acquire valuable skills and receive access to affordable health insurance.
2.Self-Employment - You own your job and must work very hard. You receive tax breaks but still earn your income by selling your limited time. You pay in full for your health insurance. You have some autonomy but must nevertheless satisfy your clients’ demands.
3.Business - You own a system, and you leverage other people’s time and various resources at your disposal such as the Internet. You work hard, but you essentially earn your income by selling other people’s time. Since you’re not selling your limited time, your income potential is unlimited. Many types of business are very risky, but there are others that are not very risky at all. Businesses have many tax advantages.
4.Investing - You own assets that are called investments. You earn income from these investments. Knowledgeable investors use insurance such as stock options to manage and eliminate the risk of investing. They also achieve the most favorable tax treatment for their income.

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