
Friday, January 1, 2010

Star gate in Norway (Hessdalen) or is it a natural Phenomena

popularly called "The lights of Hessdalen" is a phenomena which has been researched from almost two decades but still many people don't know about it... recently Norway is becoming the hot spot among UFO researchers with the latest mysterious spirals in the sky also called "Norway spirals".

I have been long interested in such Phenomena, Conspiracies and Alternative science recently came across a 5 part video on you tube found interesting and thought of sharing with you guys...

though this is a very interesting documentary i was baffled for a while after watching it on what it could be ET, Secret government experiments or natural Phenomena? what ever it is what makes this more interesting is the documentary video and testimonials are from real people, scientists and university researchers do let us know what do you think... this marks the first :) post this year 2010


Anonymous said...

Extremely interesting documentary. Thanks for sharing this with everyone.
Of course, it is a scientist's job to find out the facts (in the pursuit of truth). I just hope that when the truth is actually proven scientifically, that its not covered up just like everything else of this nature is. Whether it being free energy or extra terrestrial activity, if it changes man kind for the better, its usually covered up by the evil powers that be.

In any case, lets hope that 2010 is different that every other year!

Cheers and happy new year !!!

Beluzoni said...

Connecting the dots.. it sounds like the plot for the movie aliens vrs cowboys.. where aliens are mining gold and using a plasma conversion device to extract the mineral directly from the ground.

The soil cut outs in the fields is a direct clew that the aliens are prospecting for a mineral and using the plasma/energy fields to beam it directly out of the ground.

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