
Friday, October 23, 2009

quest on how to get more comments on blog or website ?

recently i was looking for a ways to increase comments on my blog though i have a decent visitors and i do get a decent number of comments almost 10 - 15 comments per day but i rarely gets any comments on posts which are on home page this shows most of my visitors are unique who just read or observe without commenting so i was looking for a ways to make my readers more interactive.

after a brief R&D on my friends blogs who suddenly started getting good reader base within a short period of time and with my own experience i came to know some of the few important things on how to get more comments on blog

1. Start Commenting: to get more comments you have to start commenting, start visiting others websites and leave comments i have seen some of my friends whose daily job include visiting dozens of others website and blogs and leaving comments belive me this trick really works and a also good way to make friends, unfortunately i failed in this area i rarely visits others blog/ website and leave comment.

2. Topics: topics which are controversial attract more and more comments believe me i have around 40 topics which are controversial and almost all of them have more than 150+ comments because readers always like to argue.

3. Comment Moderation: for god sake do not moderate comments many people dont like this and i see no point in comment moderation unless your blog or website contains higly flammable posts and do not complicate the comment form with annoying captcha and spam mechanisms i really hate people who moderate comments and make commenting a complicated process.
4. Asking Questions and inviting comments: most of the time leaving a question mark at the end of the post will sometime make readers to post their views.

5. Be Open Minded: Don't ever delete the comments made by readers unless it is higly flammable or out of topic deleting the comments left by readers for small reasons not only hurt your readers they will never comment again or visit your website/blog.

6. Be gracious and humble: if any of your readers do not agree with your opinion dont look to counter their views harshly try to convince them else leave them aside.
7. Plugins and rewards: there are load of plugins out there which shows list of recent comments and also top commentators this encourages your visitors to comment and participate more in discussion rewarding highly active reader of your blog for their contribution will be much appreciated in the long run and helps in building good reader base.

though these are few of my thoughts on how to improve comments and build a good reader base any more light on it will be really helpful.


Anonymous said...

I am first person to comment to this post, i visited many times but this is first time i am leaving comment

pravallika said...

i visit regularly but most of your topics are technical but i do enjoy your non technical articles i first came to your site with aghori sadhu link its a nice post with daring video

Mohan said...

There are few more things to keep in mind.

1. just leaving a comment wont help. Leave a comment that is very much inline with the subject of the article. Based on your creativity, visitors of the blog where you left comment may be curious to know more about you and what you write on.

2. always leave a valid name/email while commenting. if you keep on changing the names associated with email or vice versa, there are few spam filter mechanisms (atleast in wordpress) that classify you as a SPAM! I found a couple of your comments in my spam selection sometime back.. and since i get so many comments, i don't even look at spam filter now and it auto deletes them to protect my blog from spammers.

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