
Friday, October 23, 2009

How to fast delete items in farmville game on facebook?

ever since the soybean hack unveiled in farmville most of the farmville players are using this method to cruise their levels one of my friend went from level 16 to 19 in one day its that fast but one of the annoying thing about this method is deleting fields everytime is a daunting task...

there are two ways to delete items on farmville using delete method(fast way) and sell method (slow way)

fast way is to use the delete tool to delete an item this reduces a single step in deleting process however you will not gain any coins with this method and requires only two steps this technic can be used on low cost items

sell method does not involve any tool just right click on the item and select sell however this method you will gain some coins after selling the item but involves extra step compared to delete tool method but this can be used on deleteing large items which fetched more money after deleting.

So if your motive is to attain level faster then there is another method which takes you 3x faster compared to soyabean method this method is to purchase hay bales hay bales cost 125 coins and fetches you 5xp this is faster and effective way of getting xp to reach higher level provided you have enough cash but cons of this process is deleting the hay bales again is a daunting task.

Though there are many hacks and cheats floating around the interenet you can search youtube for a better video tutorial on this subject, if you know any cheat or hack on this subject do let us know and share with us.


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