Now i am a serious farmer on farmville and in the need more FV (farmville Cash) like other farmers i was on the quest of "farmville money hack" or earning farmville cash for free and soon i realized that easy way of getting farmville cash is buying it with real money via credit card and there is other way(harder way) to get it by earning ribbons each time you get ribbon or each new level you will earn on farm ville cash for free.
below are the few ways you can earn Farm Dollars for free:
1. Earn More and More ribbons.
2. Complete the Levels soon, with each level you can get One Farm Dollar
3. Complete the Featured Offers such as surveys, online purchasing via zynga etc, for people who can't pay this is the alternate way to earn Farm Dollars you can find offers at the end of regular payment methods.
If you know any hack or other methods of earning easy Farmville Dollars do let us know and
between happy farming.
between happy farming.
use cheat engine
I am at level 14 and have earned 20 ribbons. and spent no cash. that should mean that i have 34 dollars not counting what was originally given to me at the start of the game. I only have 18 dollars. theres a major flaw in the assumption of levels and ribbons equals dollars formula.
Yes me too I'm level 30 and I bought all the farm equipment with the assumption that more farm dollars would show up for the purpose of running it...not a chance, you can't get any gas without the farm dollars. There are no free surveys on the site and even though I spend hours on the Farm lol, I still have only 1 dollar. I have had to date 23 so they don't even give one out for climbing a level. Cheeky buggers.
Same for me, very disappointed when earning new ribbons and FV stays the same! Why are they spending time on creating new games when they haven't fixed all the bugs in Farmville and still call it BETA? Farm Town is just as buggy for example....
I seem to get a dollar the first time I milk a cow each day.
Diane - fixing the bugs? It's not a bug! They WANT you to use your credit card to BUY dollars. No mystery there.
thanks for the Farm Bucks input, I was wondering why I wasn't getting much. I am at level 13 and have only 6, I guess they want my cc to buy more, forget it, I will just enjoy the coins. It is a great game anyways.
SIGH I need one more farmville dollar in order to purchase a Baby Turkey
For me, its only a dollar per level advanced (On level 33)and the 5 I got to begin with. That's it!
There has to be a Bank. We already goto the Market to purchase all our Farmville needs. What we need now is a Bank where we can go and exchange our coins (I have in excess of 700,000) for FarmVille Dollars. It would also be helpful if the daily raffle occasionally gave a FarmVille Dollar instead of coins, and maybe some of the Awards could have FarmVille Dollars plus XP instead of coins.
Come on Zynga, this player is getting frustrated. As an unemployed person, I can't afford to buy your Dollars in USD.
Don't worry about the baby turkey, in three days he grows into a regular one and you pick up turkeys from your fiends...just looks alittle different. A trade of bucks for coins would be ideal. Wish it were easier to get large farm too. I am outgrowing mine. Not paying real bucks either. Has anyone bought the mystery box?
not sure why but im at leval 8 and have 12FV dollers
yes i bought a mystery box and i got a donkey! im on level 32 now and for the fv cash, yea i spent 40 bucks on my cc just so i could get the new carnival rides. im rediculous. i also bought another mystery box and got a carousel, but it was totally different from the one u can buy. i guess the mystery box is well worth it cause you really do get one of a kind items!
try showing your animals some love from time to time instead of worring about your money... Karma works in games too...
if you are unemployed and cant afford to buy farmville cash but still have time to play farmville, your just fucking lazy go get a fucking job geeez
nooooo, i sent a blak chicken to friend and lost all my dollars, great
I have two facebooks and on my new one im at level 7 and already have 11 dolors,just from leveling up.and when you make a farmville you get five free
anonymous said Dec 10 2009 at 5:50 PM some nasty words and should be baned from this forum! Anonymous said if you are unemployed and cant afford to buy farmville cash but still have time to play farmville, your just fxxxxxx lazy go get a fxxxxxx job geeez. This is no way to post!
I agree with Nancy. Not everyone in this climate can get a job, or maybe there is some other reason for not being able to work. Merry Christmas everyone!!
I only really notice that i get a fv for the BLUE RIBBON not every ribbon. in which case 20 ribbons at most would yield 5fv.
Lets Try to be civil in here please. Children are watching. We need to set an example. Thank you.
Hi you state that for every level achieved you recieve a FV point well this is not so I am level 19 and I have 14 FV I am sorry this is not so
i get a dollar very time i earn a level.thats the only way to do it in my opinion
gotta google more
Is there any way to earn real money from framville coins/fv
Is there any way to earn real money from framville coins/fv
there are NO FREE methods. NO SURVEYS! NONE AT ALL. for EVERY SINGLE THING you MUST spend actual cash. Each and every option listed the final requirement to get the farm cash you MUST actually spend your money. So stop saying there are free ways such as surveys as there are ZERO free surveys to fill out. You can only get them for free via level up and ribbons. And what "cheat engine"? Simply stating "cheat engine" is pretty stupid as that is not helpful at all.
Maybe we can apply for an Obama stimulus to fund our accounts!
Why my farmville lost eventhough i'm not using it,i lost maybe 23 dollars..
I joined block Buster Video and got 129 farm bux!
I c that today they dropped it to 29 :( There are some other deals listed in the purchase farm cash menue. If you are looking for movies, video games etc. it's agreat way to expand your farm!
become a fan of bing on and get 3 free FV bucks....i just did works
Bing will get you 3 fv dollars!! worked for me!!
I am like level 26 i have spent min from ribbions but the last time i got one was like level 20 there not glitches they just rip you off
like a previous poster said, they want you to use your REAL money for their farmville money. anybody want to but some monopoly money? 50 cents on the dollar! this game was made under the assumtion that people with nothing better to do but try and out do the next person and the easest way to do that is give up your money... sounds like a boarder line internet scam.
hmmm.... I'm a lvl 8 with 13FV. Any ways I AGREE with the person who talked about the BANKS. I mean come on they would totally work out! I'm not purchasing FV with REAL MONEY come on now. Its a virtual world so cut some slack on us.
I also agree with the person who said about the banks...I am at level 37 and I have at least 500,000 in coins and I could trade them in for farm cash and by the things that I need for my farm! :/ Come on Farmville buck up your ideas for christ sake!....tbc...
Thanks! I got my cash. :)
i am a level 28 but jst 17 fv how i can get it more more and more.??
New FarmVille money hack TESTED april 2010
Don't get a dog and not take care of it. He runs away and for everyday that you dont feed it, FV will take away 2 dollars without your consent. I lost 30 FV over 5 days cuz I had to rescue the stupid thing.
EVERY LEVEL YOU GO UP YOU GET 1 FARMBUCK "also inside some eggs are 1 farm buck things you can use for 1 more" they go to the gift box after it tells you that you won ....promos are so few and rare its a joke "unlike country life n some games you cant do free surveys or nothing to earn SO ALL THE IDIOTS THAT THINK THE GET 125 FARMBUCKS FOR FREE ARE JUST STUPID "NOBODY WOULD PAY YOU 20 REAL BUCKS WORTH OF FARMBUCKS CAUSE YOU "LIKE THEM" NOBODY GETS PAID NOTHING FOR BEING LIKED ON FACEBOOK.
i just found a legit website that is giving away free 310 fv cash in less than 5 minutes.check it out here also Watch the beautiful video testimonials inside.its a great website indeed
I have played farmville for a year now and the only way to gain fv cash is to plant and harvest. My level is 91. I am working to see if 100 is the ultimate level you can achieve. Oh buy the way all this was accomplished only through work on fv and planing the right money crops. Peas have been a real asset (required level 32) to gain fv coins.
Awesome! I just got 300 FarmVille Cash for FREE from this website!
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