I am a download buff and i download very large files of 100's of megs which takes several hours to download but one thing always concerned me is there any way to automate the shutdown process after downloading the file? luckily there was solution to my problem in the form of addon for the firefox which made my life easy.
Recently i wanted to download a large file i kept it for download in the morning as it was 20% downloaded i dont wanted it to cancel and at same time i was not willing to leave my system whole day turned on while i was away this led me to search this awesome tool.
There is a extension for firefox called AutoShutdown by InBasic while Monitors your active downloads and automatically shuts down your PC once downloads are completed this addon is available for Firefox version above 3 onwards and you can use it in version 2.0 with a little bit of hack download the Addons from Mozilla Org and install it after installing restart the browser and you can find the icon in the browser tray as show in below Pic
Recently i wanted to download a large file i kept it for download in the morning as it was 20% downloaded i dont wanted it to cancel and at same time i was not willing to leave my system whole day turned on while i was away this led me to search this awesome tool.
There is a extension for firefox called AutoShutdown by InBasic while Monitors your active downloads and automatically shuts down your PC once downloads are completed this addon is available for Firefox version above 3 onwards and you can use it in version 2.0 with a little bit of hack download the Addons from Mozilla Org and install it after installing restart the browser and you can find the icon in the browser tray as show in below Pic
Though AutoShutDown Automatically detects the OS you can even manually configure and set the commands for different version of Operating system such as Windows, Linux and MAc you can also execute user script at specified time duration
you can pass arguments and invoke external applications and you have a whole list of special location a special reserve keywords that can translate to special location which you can use it in your scripts.
And whats more addon come with great features and options where you can customize and set delay in shutdown time in case you are executin some scripts and also you can even set to clear the download history and much more
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