
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting bored of farmville game on Facebook?

boring of farming on farmville? One of the super duper hit game on facebook is farmville frankly i used to log into facebook only to play this game though this is more or less strategy type game which requires patience and wait but the game was so well developed that any one can get addicted to it just like that.

but now a days i am getting bored of this game and i hardly crossed level 19, and most of my friends who were addicted to this game started loosing interest just after completing more or less level 15.

I think one of the reason why people find it not fun after certain period of time is the game does not have much interaction with player except plowing/harvesting/milking cows and plucking fruits from trees, the game would have been invincible if they were different strategies at each level.

I think another reason why people are getting bored with this game is that they spend more time than needed on this game what ever it is when i visited many of my friends farms i could see most of their crops are withering and some people altogether removed the application from their facebook account.

anyway if you are farming on farmville or you were ex-farmer do share your comments on this game what did you expected from it, or do you still like the game.


swapna murgendra said...

My gf is real farmer and i know farming is not easy and its not that easy as farmville

Anonymous said...

i am at level 7 and i am still finding it interesting.

Vance gorbachev said...

the game is still in beta and is changing very much, its not the same farmville which used to be four months back when it was released we might hope for better upgrade's in future releases

Anonymous said...

im level 30 and i hate it now

Anonymous said...

I am level 50 and am getting bored with it...tired f wasting so much time doing the exact same things over and over and over and over...
juts to get a ribbon...I have over 6 million coins and nothing good to spend it on. I don't know I think there must be better games out there..Hell I have got a PS3 any game on that must be better than this.

Anonymous said...

My problem with farmville is that it takes so long to do things. You can't select multiple gifts at once or collect from multiple farm animals at once. They make you repeat trivial steps every time.

Anonymous said...

the whole thing is designed to make you get as many neighbors as possible, even if you don't know them at all. If you don;t want to spam your facebook friends with news about lost cows and what a great farmer you are then you are pretty much doomed to be stuck on your level or buy your way up with real dollars - which is, of course, the ultimate purpose of the game: to make money for the developer.

pittysmom said...

I agree, it's all the same steps over and over, if they would streamline the process after so many levels, it would be better.
And I have to start going to bed earlier since I just went back to work. So Farmville, Farm Town, and Country Life are going Bye-Bye....

If I could play it on my cell phone, it would be cool for down-times, like sitting in the Dr ofc waiting...

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