From long back i used to have frequent dry throat, itchy eyes and occasional sinus in the mornings though i did not know the real reason initially then slowly i came to know this was
happening due to Air conditioner in my room though i am using AC from three years i always used to set my AC timings to switch off after 5 hours and i did not know i was letting my Ac to dehydrate me for 5 long hours during sleep and the problem stopped after reducing my AC usage to 1 hour daily so this left me with question did really AC was the problem?
after some research i came to know my doubt was indeed true and Air conditioners Sucks moisture and dry the surrounding air and this leaves us dehydrated very much quick, below are few tips to overcome this:
->Simple solution is to use humidifier in the room or place a bowl of water uncovered and drink more and more water this will reduce the probability of you getting dehydrated
->use moisturizing cream on your skin and eye drops if you spend most your time in this kind of environment else your skin might turn little dark and skin aging process accelerates and you might end up with itchy and dry eye.
->Exposure to prolonged AC environment might trigger headache and migraine in some people so try to avoid it if you have any of the condition
-> Always set AC to optimal temperature and do not directly sit to face cool air from AC, before my AC Ducts was directly pointing towards my bed now i have changed my bed position to avoid direct blast of cool air.
Now after reducing my ac usage my power bill is almost 50% less and my symptoms has drastically reduced i am planning to not use AC much until this summer.
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