
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

will earth end in 2012 nibiru planet-x controversy

will earth civilization come to an end in the year 2012 ? is end of world is just around the corner? this is one of the most hot topic on many TV channels and internet forums, though there are many possibilities connected to 2012 such as greatfloods, sunstorm, pole-shift and alien invasion but most dooms day believers say the real destruction is from nibiru(planet x).

according to one theory nibiru(planet x) will pass between the earth orbit and there may be collision or will just pass near the earth causing gravity change and catastrophic climatic changes, great floods, and continents may wipeout and this will be for few months during this time most of the earth vegetation and food supplies diminishes and people will starve to death ending the civilization.

the idea of nibiru passing close to earth orbit and causing great destruction was first coined by Nancy Lieder in 1995, who claims to be the contactee of Extra terrestrials from zeta reticuli star system she also claims she has been receiving these messages from the chip implanted by them in her brain.

what ever it is below are some of the videos from tv channels and people around the world

though many ancient civilization calendar and their literature points to the year 2012 about some great changes and things will happen many say the changes will be nothing more than humanity shifting to higher consciousness but some claims about possible apocalypse so what do you guys say about this?


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