
Monday, June 8, 2009

Mystic Nagamani snake pearl, cobra pearl or nagamanickam

Snake is one of the integral part of Indian culture and is worshiped by all the religion and faiths in India but there is a interesting mystery associated with the snakes and everybody in India knows it

-->according to hindu mythology snakes has a seperate world called nagalok
-->snakes as the ability to take different forms
-->snakes can live without oxygen and food for serveral months in hibernation and the list goes on

but there is another myth which is very much interesting and according to it there is a Pearl on the hood of the cobra which is round and radiate light even in the pitch black and it is said that whoever will have this cobra pearl will acquire a great fortune and will be immune to any type of
troubles in his life.

There are various stories about how and when this pearl gets developed in cobra according to some sources it is said that if snake completes 100 years and it uses this pearl to hunt the prey and some sources says it takes 1000 years to live for a snake to produce such a kind of pearl and there are another version of the story which says the nagamani or snake pearl is developed in the snake which has not used its poison for 100 years and the poison of that snake gets converted into the pearl which glows even in the pitch dark.

below picture is true according to Richard S. Brown

it is said that Richard S. Brown has actually held the pearl and it is said to belong to wealthy srilankan family if any of you reading this post know more about the snake the phenomenon of snake having pearl under the hood do leave a comment


Mohan said...

Yes! I have seen many such pearls.. but in our movies :-p

Few scientific numbers for you:
Average life span of a snake is about 10-12 years. Under captivity, they may live longer. But again 100 years is too hyped... and no reliable source of information available anywhere about snakes forming pearls!

ceveni said...

Ya i also know it is no more than urban legend and folklore, but i would have not written this post if not i would have landed up in Richard S.Brown website....

Anonymous said...

yes, i agreed wity this, actually every snake has a mani in his hood, but it take form of pearl (nagamani) if a snake is not used the poison for 10 years. But it should be recharged for a man by a perfect tantrik. Only then it will glow light in the dark. I have two nagamani, but till the day I could not found any one, who knows about the recharging of these mani.

It is very dangerous to touch these mani by hands, one can get paralised by his hands.

If any one can rechared that mani for me, I can give him one of them for his use.

mail me at

roopesh said...

when the tail of a sarpa becoms too short and it is not abled to move much , snake epearl is produced in its mouth. this stone attracts insects,and small animals whish later becomes snakes food. very poisonous, a normal human being cannoy afford to hold the same for even 10 sec- by the time ur heart becomes drowzy .

Anonymous said...

no...der s nothin cald as nagamanikyam....
ts fake....
f nybody s havig ny proof reletd 2 ds....
sho me!!!!!!!

christy said...

I see a green a one with my eyes. Its true it exists.

Anonymous said...

yes i know that there is nagamani
but it will have life in or it will die

Anonymous said...

nagamani is only folk tale thing
its beliving by indians only
there is not any scientific proof regarding these

Anonymous said...

yes,of course it is out there and i have it,but i believe this is to show for the human being that there is another power who can created something u will never thing about it.Th one i have you can see it is rotating like satelite,it shines during the night or darkness,it is .... i cant finish,but
you can call me at 0097156 6067179 if you want more information...please serious buyers only.

Kichu said...

Hi there,
I have to tell a story, my own,

My native home is on a village in kerala. I used to visit the property there often.

I my Jathaka (Horoscope) i have a fate like i will get some jewel like this from snake. Our one astrologer, who very famous, also said i have this fate to see this. He also said that, even if my parents and sister around, only i will be able to see this jewel when the snake spit if off .

He also said that, we have to dos oem pooja etc with tumarind powder etc and have to erect a temple or a place to worship the nagaraja.

He said, i will be able to see ona night and during heavy rain and thunder

In the very same place, where he told, i wills ee it, is a place which we never use and we had a big mano tree there, The wonder is, when ever this mango fruit gets ripe and we cut it to eat, we can see a worm inside. At some year b4, this tree fell down and when we digged to remove the tree roote, we found the tree was standing over a big rock.

Then for some construction purpose for our own house, we was cutitng the rock, one worker seen soemthing like black powder/ elephant teeth etc, and he was saying to my dad like, "sir, if we dig further, there will be some treasure, becuase these are the singnals / symptoms of that beneath". But my dad said like, we done need any tresyre etc, he stopped diggin there and its there intact since then.

One night, i seen something like a snake, which was not so long and was very fat and black in color, but in disappeared somewhere.

Is there anything true behind these?


Anonymous said...

you are all nuts to think snakes form pearls i breed them and have never seen one yet
keep taking the drugs guys

Anonymous said...

There were many Scientific Reviews in Harpers Magazine in March 1890, AAAS Magazine (American Association of Advanced Sciences Feb 1890, NY Times April 1890, RSS (Royal Society of Sciences) April 1891, on few pieces of Nagamani obtained by a Professor of the School of Mines DC Washington, in then known as Ceylon

Anonymous said...

USD 12,000,000 - PRECIOUS STONE (SNAKE STONE)Cobra Pearl
Location:SRi lanka > kandy

I having Naga Manickam precious gem whichever get from Naga Snake.
Available only for sale. (Brokers and mediators excuse stopping contacting me) Interested persons contact me through Email:

Quantity: 2.4 gms
Light distance: 14 Feet.
Color: Ivory yellow

Anonymous said...

oxford university dictionary in bio sc. it is mentioned as CARPLANC. I too have the same but this value are purely hypothetical


Anonymous said...

Cant believe whether it is true or not. I have heard about nagamani in horror/ old stories and all. dont know more about this.. Looks funnny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no proof of anyone having acquired nagamanickyam, I knew a person who spent all his fortune hunting for treasures, he would scout around listening to folklores looking for buried treasure and later I heard that when he spent all his family wealth and even pawned his house for hunting these folklore treasures.

jay said...

wrong these article iw written by an idiot. a fool
I am really pissed of by the inaccuracy. these stone is actually a solidification of the venom. the venom solidifies ones the poison sack is full. snakes naturally have an eye sight span of 10 years and usually die later on. however, some cases( very rare) the leave on. this old snakes would then become quite blind. the light emited by the stone( the pearl would be spat out) glows the surrounding allows heat of an animal to be seen much more clearly.

Anonymous said...

I have it with me,,it Glows Blue in dark ,,i wan to sell but don beleive companies etc..Do reach me at

Vicky said...

hiiiiiiiii my family ownes nagmani from last400 years i havent sea mo0ney our parents dont show us d money but if snake bite any one in our area money is used to cure him

Unknown said...

i have a nanamani... the colour is light green.. if any one wants to buy , please contact me. my email id is

Unknown said...


i have red one for hight price

if any one interested seriues ,, pls contact me

Unknown said...

Naga mani is Self Luminous Chlorophane, a variety of Fluorite, as cobras are insect eaters too, these self luminous chlorophanes (which glows green) are used as tool to attract Fireflies at night, by the aid of the self luminous chlorophane. Similarly to the Honeybirds, which directs the honey gathering hunters to beehives.

Chlorophane are found in Dried up river beds during the dry seasons, by the cobras, crawling at night on these dried up river beds.
As I have many chlorophanes, I tried a test on o cobra in captivity, but it never seems to appreciate the chlorophane, as I believe its due to daily diet of eggs and milk, and weekly live chicken, is given in its class cage.

As its is true to assume that professor of School of Mines in Columbia (Wash.DC)1890 and his stated in various Peer reviewed journals.
Only fake seller will dispute this journal like Alok Jagat etc

KK Mallya said...


Iam interested to buy genuine Nagamani(Cobra Pearl/stone),The Payment will be made immediately in cash/Demand draft.

Please note iam not a middle agent or a Broker so iam buying directly for my own use.

Genuine sellers please send your rate & details such as Quantity,weight, light distance & color to my email id :

I will definitely reply back to you as soon as i receive your details.

Thank you

Have A Great Day !!

Best Regards

KK Mallya

Indian Genuine Buyer

Anonymous said...

all people who says that they have mani r bunch of idiots.According 2 indian legends the mani has been used by son of ARJUNA Iravan in mahabharata when by mistake he killed his father.He used mani to bring his father back .
Other people who r ready to sell there mani r just thugs.

Anonymous said...

this Richard S. Brown is an idiot

Anonymous said...

jain said...

Iam interested to buy genuine Nagamani(Cobra Pearl/stone),The Payment will be made immediately in cash/Demand draft.

Please note iam not a middle agent or a Broker so iam buying directly for my own use.

Genuine sellers please send your rate & details such as Quantity,weight, light distance & color to my email id :

I will definitely reply back to you as soon as i receive your details.

Thank you

Have A Great Day !!

Anonymous said...

I have one.. it is a DVD of a movie by mammooty.

Anonymous said...

dude its palerimaikyam not nagamanikyam ...

Unknown said...

iam heaving one and i want to know more and more about this. it is true there is nagamani

Unknown said...

if some one want to sell a nagamani so contect me ok

Anonymous said...

I have a direct contact with a Nagamanickam seller having a 16feet brightness of light with all original tests.
If you want pls contact me

SatPan said...

How much for the stone?How do you calculate the price?

Anonymous said...

hi, my name is bharath, balu you have contact with nagamani seller i have a direct claint. Is it true the person having nagamani. you guys really want to sell naga mani contact me, to

Anonymous said...

there is nooo such ting as nag mani.all selling must be having plastic nag manis which u get in the shop for 10 rs.....

- ரமேஷ் said...

I have a direct contact with a Nagamanickam seller having a 16feet brightness of light with all original tests.
If you want pls contact me

hai above matter person pls call 94437 12399 or mail me

- ரமேஷ் said...

Anonymous said...
USD 12,000,000 - PRECIOUS STONE (SNAKE STONE)Cobra Pearl
Location:SRi lanka > kandy

I having Naga Manickam precious gem whichever get from Naga Snake.
Available only for sale. (Brokers and mediators excuse stopping contacting me) Interested persons contact me through Email:

Quantity: 2.4 gms
Light distance: 14 Feet.
Color: Ivory yellow

above matter party pls mail me i finish the deal mail me

Anonymous said...

I can Recharge the Mani For you...

alphs said...

i dont believe....ya its a myth like phoenix bird

Anonymous said...

hi i am from chennai how much the prices of snake pearl is when selling it how to known its real are fake i belive in this thats y i m asking u.

with regards,

Anonymous said...

i dont know the naga mani really exist but it is really interesting,if anyone knows it really exist or close to finding out,pls email me at i am really curious to know more.

Anonymous said...

what is this nagamani confused

Anonymous said...

if anyone can spend money to buy the stone, plz leave a msg to

Anonymous said...

Hi every body !!!!

yes all those things r true, which r written in mahabhrat or our indian puran.

I have a NAGRATNA, and it is still live, sucking honey, destruct mineral water and also extra activities.

If any one interested to by the same, pls contact me on my personal no. 07872348562

till then bye........

Anonymous said...

i have a real stone before 2days it do all the works like anti oxygen test, flower test, buble test,direction test and light test.but now its not working. pls help if any one know the email id is

kansy said...

i have emits 2 feet light it pulls rice. it is approximately 800 old my ancesters gave it to can i c its actuall size .i can only feel it..but due to its lusture i m not able to see it.

Anonymous said...

Naagmani is a material only for those who has blind faith.There are two types of people one who want to sell a glittering stone made specially for the purpose and second are those who want to buy a stone which can change their fate by a stone which does not exist and get some rubbish things.

Anonymous said...


I am a superstitious moron, i truly believe that i can extract a glowing 'rock' from a snake, and i am dumb enough to believe that it'll change my life.

Please someone, rob me of my money.

email me

Anonymous said...

Everyone here who is trying to sell the snake rock . There is one legendary power of the stone that you have all missed out on - it makes you immortal !. . shove the rock up your arse and thats it! are good to go till rapture.

PS: Be sure to test the immortality bit by jumping in front of a train or a 7 tonne truck. you will thank me for this after..

- Jesus

Anonymous said...

quantiti one piece
weight not checked
distance -- 20 feet
color honey

intrested party in buying mail me

Anonymous said...

quantity one piece
weight not checked
distance -- 20 feet
color honey
bud test 15 min

No Mediator plz intrested party in buying comment below this

Anonymous said...

tell me how much amount & where

previn said...

hi, i have a real nagamani for sale...if you are interested in buying please e-mail to me at

Anonymous said...

I think it Is illegal by govt how ppl can sell or buy it through net n how can ppl belive in buying or selling through net

Jai said...


Myself Jai belonging to one of the Royal family in north kerala, India.

With due respect to all who have posted comments here, i have heard lots of fairy-tales in my childhood on Naaga Maanikyam or NaagaMani. Had one of my forefather who had learned Vishavaidhyam or snake treatment,written books on the same.

according to him Maanikyam is one among 9 precious stones according to Indian mythology.

Naagamanikyam is not extracted from snake venom nor anything related to snake.Please do not fall in fake stories and get cheated.

Would like to share more info...



Anonymous said...

i had nagmani.......plz contact. no.9762783063
from aurangabad...

Anonymous said...

i had nagmani.......plz contact. no.9762783063
from aurangabad...

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me wat is d maximum price of a nagamanikkam????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am Babu, hailing from Kerala.

Nagamani is a natural stone which shines in the darkness. During evening twilight, small flies and insects are attracted towards this light. If a snake( whether it is rat snake or cobra) is near by, it will catch the insects sitting on the stone. The stone will go into the mouth of the snake along with the insects. After swallowing the insects, the snake will spit it out the stone. If somebody happen to witness this scene will be get astonished. He will collect this stone and telling the public that he got a Nagamani. He may not be aware of the fact that it is a mere natural stone. He heard only myths and stories about Nagamanikyam earlier. Now he believes that he is that luckiest man to have that precious thing. He is right when some fools and idiots are ready to buy this for crores.

Some lobby is also actively involved in propagating about this NM and their only moto is to cheat somebody and make money. They make artificial shining stones and claim it is an original Nagamanikyam. They will always have an illegal tie up with some adivasis, tribes or 'poojaris'. The foolish buyer never can make out an original one and a duplicate one since there is no original thing exists.

Dont waste your valuable time and money on this.

Anonymous said...

Hi All

i am from pakistan, i were searching song shine in dark and found this article, intresting, but shocking for me
15 days before i visited one old friends home in village, and were enjoying fresh air on top roof of there house, during general discussion, he indicate one side open area, ( almost 2 or 3 acre land, where is only water, i think some swereg water or some rain water etc,
and said there is 3 snakes come and stay inside, and all day village children sit and through stones in water just like game to play with snakes, and snakes comes there head up from water and then after few minutes head down in water
in evening, all peoples of village enjoy to watch them from home top roofs
and interesting and shocking for is this, 1 snake from those when head up from water, in dark night, light appear from his neck, that was amazing scene, and for this light seen, i stayed there home that night, and i also see that light in dark, and most more then 6 hours of night we all enjoy that light, and next morning i back to my city , and no consider about this light in neck of snake
after reading these post, let me think,
pls advice what is difference of this light, is it snake pearl?, and is it important ?, is there anyway to catch that snake and get it, if anyone have full complete information, pls tell me here and in my email,

jash khillon said...

i have naga mani to sell interested party please contact at given below address or at phone 919411501008

Anonymous said...

i have a sanke stone to sell. many people refer to it as a cobra pearl, or naga mani, or serpent-stone. i have 2 of these stones: one female and one male. Both have the power to remove snake venom out of a victims body effectively. for more detail and information...please contact me on i am only looking for people to sell these valuable stones to. no time wasters.

Anonymous said...

no dudes the cobra pearl is real and i have saw the same. i know that you people wont believe it but its the fact,more over i my self wont have any believe in all the superstition but this one i have the belive.

Anonymous said...


I have a Nagaratna or nagamanickam. weight is 12grams. Big sized. price is more than 55crore srilankan rupees. location is Batticaloa / Srilanka. anyone need this contact If anyone required i will send you the photo's .

narendra said...

Mail me to that type of photos

narendra said...

Anonymous said...

Ravi send the pictures and ur offer...

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys my correct email address is
I have a Nagaratna or nagamanickam. weight is 12grams. Big sized. price is more than 55crore srilankan rupees. location is Batticaloa / Srilanka. anyone need this contact If anyone required i will send you the photo's .

Anonymous said...

i have one nm sandal colour 4 test r coming. water test flower test poison content ,dome interested parties can contact me to my num 09962667755

SwamyDevarajan said...

I am Swamy.I have 5 Naaga Maanikkams(Pearls from Cobras) and one Naga Rathnam(Diamond from King Cobra).Iam about to sell one of the Naaga Maanikkams for 10 Crore Indian rupees.The buyer can view all the above.For viewing alone he has to deposit 10 lakh Indian Rupees in to my account.
Contact me 2 Cell No.:917401324096 The rate is generally INR 50 C/feet of light; As my Manikkams dont give light the cost is so reduced.

Unknown said...

Dear all,

please send few pic to Possible give me your skype ID as well. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Dear all,

please send few pic to Possible give me your skype ID as well. Thank you.

Rockstar praveen said...

how to check nagamanikam orginal

Renu Gopal V said...

I have Nagamani.... buyers contact me at,

Unknown said...

Nagamaanikkam is a Divine gem,Living one;It knows you if you really long to see it.Those who want to see my Treasure may contact me vide my cell no.;0917401324096.Per Dharshan I may ask Dhhakshna INR 10000/-. I know all habits and charectors of naga manikkam ,Naga rathinam,gaja muththu and Rice puller.So If any one want to test and get the right Gem if that wishes to come to you contact me and take me to it at your cost, i will help you get it to your home safely.

Unknown said...

Nagamanikkam is formed in Holy cobras who live in dense forestd near Forest Temples.They wont bite any one; they wont even 'hiss'.They live with that for hundreds of years. Once when they like to go for samadhi they may lay it out before a Swamy who is so pios and they would go for Jeeva Samadhi.The swamy who acquired it may keep it with him and alive until he finds a suitable swamy is found to hand over it ;only after handing over it to another Pios person he cant die.Like wise Naga rathinam is Divine Diamond with extra ordinary beauth which grows out in thr hood of Divine and Pios King Cobra. It will also lay its mortal Body only after finding a suitable Swamy to hand over it. After it's death the Swamy will bury it's body in his Temple and the Divine serpent will ever live with that rathinamin Spiritual un seen body. We can feel it movement over our body once we possess it.Nagamanikkam and naga rathnam have the power to bring back a dead person to life.they areheavenly miraculou gems.But even to know about them they should give blessing. To see them and Possess them certainly they have to bless us. i bless you.

Unknown said...

In my YouTube also I have talked about Naga Manikkam and Naga Rathinam. Please see it. my You Tube name is "SwamyDevarajan" ,My e-mail id:,my cell No.; 0917401324096.You can ask any spiritual Question ,I will answer.I got my realization during 1994 at my 30 th year of life in this birth.

Unknown said...

Dear Nanbeadaaa,
I tried to send a mail to you ;but your e-mail could not be traced by google;I am interested to view your naga manikkam .Will You Please mail your naga manikkam's Photoes and Rate for buying, to my e-mail id.;

Unknown said...

The Objective of God provided us with these rare 'NagaManikkams' and 'Naga Rathinams', "Mega Mani' etc.,. is to give strength to our logical belief that' Good people would be tested too much by God, to know their perseverance and once they endured 'Good' till the end ,at last certainly they would be blessed with eternal Treasures, both in this world and the world to come;God is eternal and all souls which are attached to Him also become eternal.So 'be a Good person at all costs and all reasons and at all times''Be good as God is Good'



Unknown said...

Are you ready to sell it? Ther are people top buy it.I can help you sell it for thousands of Crores.

Unknown said...

Dear Gopal meena If you want to sell it, i can help you. Some people are contacting me for one from, me. but I am not willing to give any of mine.The cost may be in thousands of crores, all white money.

Unknown said...

What friend wont you publish what i write?

tawseef said...

I am a dealer (Buy and sell) for Precious and Antique Objects.
So If some One wants to do serious Business.
Leave me Email My email Id:

lucky said...

i have afinded genuion nagmani and i want buy
if you any intrested please contact me

Unknown said...

i have one stone like a brown and red mixed some body tell him that is a nagamanickam ,some body says that is garnet which one is a true please anybody know replay me very soon (that stone is vibrating)my mail Id

Unknown said...

tapan agrawal ani antique produt parchuse contect no. +918430458430

Unknown said...

tapan agrawal anti itam parchuse contect no 8430458430

Unknown said...

tapan agrawal ani antique produt parchuse contect no. +918430458430

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