designing a user interface is quite tricky in android if there wasn't this cool free tool called DoridDraw thanks to mr brendan for this awesome tool which made ui development in android more than easy, you can send your appreciation improvements and suggestion to mr brendan here below is the screen shot of the Droiddraw
you can download DroidDraw click here
DroidDraw is very easy to use and supports various layouts and wigets, widget can be dragged and dropped widgets are nothing but buttons, textbox(edit box) , list etc, similar to VB or c#, and adjust widgets according to screen resolution and co-ordinates, make sure to select absolute layout else the widgets dragged automatically get aligned and alligning will be not possible other layout can be used in case if you don't know the screen dimension prior...
Now after dragging and dropping all the required widgets such as texbox, buttons etc.. now click on the widget and select the property tab in the droid window and rename the default widget name to some appropriate names example widget29 to button1, widget27 to textbox1 etc
Now after everything is done click on the generate button to generate the xml file that can be used and if there are minor changes in the coordinates that can be adjusted manually by changing the values
you can download DroidDraw click here
DroidDraw is very easy to use and supports various layouts and wigets, widget can be dragged and dropped widgets are nothing but buttons, textbox(edit box) , list etc, similar to VB or c#, and adjust widgets according to screen resolution and co-ordinates, make sure to select absolute layout else the widgets dragged automatically get aligned and alligning will be not possible other layout can be used in case if you don't know the screen dimension prior...
Now after everything is done click on the generate button to generate the xml file that can be used and if there are minor changes in the coordinates that can be adjusted manually by changing the values
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